Friday, November 20, 2015

ready for the s--- to hit

That is snow, for those of you wondering

     I spent the last two days getting ready for the storm of the century!
     The deck furniture is all put away.  So is the lounge from the porch, the grill, the umbrella and the herb garden.
     All that is left are two aluminum chairs and the bench on the porch.  The bench has been out for two years, so I don't think another year will hurt it.
     I got the carrots left in the garden and the strawberries covered in straw.
     I spread the deer repellent around the flowers.  Oh yes, deer repellent.  That is the fox urine skunk extract that I bought.  Corki seems to like it...... a lot!  She goes out and immediately sniffs around the extract.  She is not eating it, just sniffing.
     The eating she saves for the back yard.  Is it bad for a dog to eat bird seed?  She snorts around the bird feeders, licking the grass and getting the seed.  She even found bits of the suet cakes that were on the ground and ate those!
     I know she's hungry....but she is also overweight.  We have her on a diet dog food mixed with regular dog food and we add green beans and carrots to it, but she still woofs (pun intended) it down, burps, and jumps up and down to go out to graze in the grass.
     We'll see how the grazing goes tomorrow with a few inches of snow on the ground.
     Opps. .... a digression.  Sorry.
     Hoses are put away, the cart and aerator and roller are away, all is in the garage, safe from the ravages of winter.
     My snowshoes are ready, I even have poles to use this year.  I found my boots.... all is ready for the first blast of winter.
     I say, bring it on Mother Nature!  I am ready.
     I keep using that word ready....hoping to fool myself.

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