Friday, November 13, 2015

Nothing funny in my mind tonight

     I am saddened and sickened by what happened in Paris.
     I love Paris.  And I love France.  I have always found the people there to be warm hearted and generous.  Great people.
     To have this inflicted on them is impossible for me to understand.
     I don't understand how someone can hate so much they are willing to fly planes into buildings or strap bombs on their bodies or kill innocent people by blowing up courthouses in Oklahoma.
     There will be speculation about the people who did this, a terrorist group that is linked to some group in the mid East.  Muslims will be blamed, as early speculations are this was an attack by ISIS.
     I have already read backlash on FB, directed at the Muslim community.
     The majority of people in this world, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, or whatever religion you want to name, just want to live lives in peace.  They don't want to kill innocent people.  They want their children to grow up in a world of love.
     There are fanatics, yes.  But I think sometimes we lose the ability to sort the bad guys from the good guys in this increasingly violent world.
     I wish there was an answer.
     And I am selfish.  I don't want to live in a world where we are afraid to go to a ball game, or concert, or restaurant for fear of being blown apart by a hate group.
     I don't want to live in a world where flying an airplane becomes dangerous because they are soft targets.
     And while I am not by nature a person who likes violence, the people behind this act need to be found and destroyed.
    In the meantime, I grieve for the people of France and the victims and their families.
     And I pray for all of us, that we may be safe in this world of ours.

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