Monday, November 9, 2015

away we go

I got an early Christmas present

     I have been talking about seeing Cuba for as long as I can remember.  I may not have voiced it out loud, but I have always wanted to see the island .
     I will be doing that in March.
     I have booked a tour though Roads Scholar.  This is a group tour, maximum 24 people, who are all about my age.
     My friend Dan will be going too.  Someone has to keep me in line!
     Roads Scholar has a variety of tour options.  We are taking the Cuba:  Havana and Countryside.  We   stay in Havana 5 nights and out in the country 2 nights.  We get to meet Cuban people, tour Hemingway's farm, smoke Cuban cigars and explore a country that is stuck in the 1950s, or earlier.
I have been telling Jackie that I would love to go to Cuba.  I looked on line at various tours, and realized they are expensive.
     So she said consider a tour my Christmas present.
     Now we don't spend that much money on each other, but this might be a two year gift!  Or even 3 years.....but we'll cross that bridge when I am 70.
     We fly to Miami (Yes, I know my arms will get tired) and stay overnight in Miami, then take a chartered flight from Miami to Havana.
     I think it will be a pretty cool trip.
     There are some spaces still now and join us on our Cuban adventure!!
     Now all I have to do is learn some common Spanish phrases for:  Where's the bathroom?  My pants are on fire!  No, I'm not interested in a hooker.  Where can I buy American cigars?
     I better start practicing.

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