Sunday, November 8, 2015

I survived

I am back at home tonight

     I have a headache.  My stomach feels queasy....I hope I am not getting sick.
     My butt, leg and shoulder hurt from hitting the floor at Emily's.
     My hands and lips are as dry as a bone.
     I have a million little things to take care of this getting Rotary calendars delivered, making phone calls, answering e mails,  sending e mails.  I don't seem to get the little things done, so this is the week I am concentrating on the smaller details in life.
     And my nipples itch.  Dry skin?  Or some strange illness that is hitting my man-boobs?
     Time will tell.
     The dog is snoring...that is something I never expected to say in my lifetime.
     Oh, one last little thing.  I have to call for trip insurance tomorrow.
     Seems somebody booked a trip to Cuba for March.
     Details to come........

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