Thursday, November 5, 2015

better late than never

I proved again I am date challenged

     In this case, it wasn't only me.
     On Tuesday at Rotary, the upcoming pork chop dinner was mentioned.  I heard Thursday night.
     On Wednesday we got an e mail about the dinner.  I read Thursday night.
     Called John and Emily, asked if they were interested in pork chops on Thursday night.
     And Thursday night, I drove back into town and over to the fireman's social hall for pork chops.
     It was dark.  And empty.
     I called wifey, who checked the e mail and found that while it is on Thursday night, it is next Thursday, not this week.
     What the hell?!
     I can't learn about something two weeks in advance!  Especially when it involves food.  I thought about those chops all day today, only to come away empty handed.
     And making matters worse, John and Emily thought I was bringing dinner.  When I called at 5:40 and told them the chops were next week, John took it in stride.
     I stopped at Country School for some chicken.  On the way home, Jackie called and asked if I also got chicken for the kids....and I admit I did not think about that.  As I sat gnawing on my chicken breast, I did feel bad that I didn't ask if they also wanted chicken.  Not bad enough to make another trip into town, but bad enough.
     I do know that next Thursday night I am planning on going for pork chop dinners.
     But knowing how I am, I will probably forget.
     That's the way I roll.....sad to say.

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