Thursday, November 19, 2015

what time is it?????

I was late for a date today

     No surprise to anyone, I am sure.
     I had just gotten in the shower when Jackie called in, "Don't forget you have to be at the museum at 11 today."
     It was 10:40.
     I have never showered, shaved, combed my hair, dried off and gotten dressed as fast as I did this morning.  I did remember deodorant, thank heavens.  And my zipper was up.  I checked.
     I got there at 3 minutes past the hour.  And it's a 10 minute drive.  I think I may have broken some space time continuum, but I got there in time to lead second graders on a tour of the museum's basement.
     Today is recycling day.  I know they come late, so I waited until after the museum to take it out.
     I have a yellow garden car that is great for hauling the containers.  I separate my paper from all the other stuff, mainly because the paper sits flat and I use less space in the cans.
     I also had some boxes.
     I stacked the two recycling tubs and shoved the cardboard in the front of the cart.
     Yes, it was heavier in the back than the front.
     Yes, it was windy.
     Yes, the tubs were a little over the edge on the back.
     Yes, they did fall over in the driveway as soon as I went out of the garage.
     There was shit flying everywhere!
    Cans, beer bottles (thanks Beth and Mike for giving the neighbors a bad impression) wine bottles (ok Sheri, I only blamed you for one of the two) A Baileys bottle (Jackie likes Baileys.  I buy her one every Christmas and then  I drink it throughout the year.  When she wants some, I have to go buy more.  Gotta keep it fresh!), soup cans, cottage cheese containers, yard looked like a dump.
     And so did my neighbors, cause the wind was blowing that direction.
     It actually blew beer bottles down the driveway!  While I was picking up paper, two bottles rolled past me.
     Another bottle (Baileys) shattered in the driveway and I had to clean that up with a broom.
     It was a mess.
     Of course, I was not dressed for spending time outside and I could not go in to get a warmer coat because stuff was blowing everywhere.
     I finally got it all collected and put back into a can.  Then I put the cans in the front of the cart and put the cardboard in the back, creating stability for both.
     I did get a good workout.  And all the stuff got picked up.
     This is not the first time this has happened to me...once I had to chase down paper four houses away!
     There should be a rule about recycling day being calm and not windy.
     Think I'll suggest that to someone.  If I tell a presidential candidate, maybe it will happen!

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