Tuesday, November 17, 2015

what am I missing

There are a lot ot TV shows  on air

     Usually Jackie and I watch pretty much the standard fare.
     HGTV, Big Bang, Modern Family, the usual suspects on the big C channels.  (ABC, NBC, ABC, just to clarify.)
     But there is a world of tv out there I have not yet explored.
     We recently started watching Brooklyn 99....and I think it is a funny show.
     We also started watching Grandfathered and Grinder.  I didn't think I would like them after the first episode, but now I do.  Kind of grew on me.
     I think I am going to start watching Fargo.....and you may sense a trend here.  Comedies.  Funny stuff.  Stuff that makes me laugh, even if it is infantile humor.  (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia).
     I know Tina Fey has directed a comedy someplace, but I don't remember the name or channel.  Yes, I could Google it, but that would involve planning ahead.
     I have some ideas for a comedies.
     A series based on a fast foot cook who can't get the orders right and the wrong orders change the people's lives forever.  Example, a guy gets fries instead of onion rings and gets so mad he has a heart attack.  Wait a minute, that's not funny.
     Ok, a baseball player who is a role player...pinch hits, fills in, not an everyday player.  He details the season through his eyes, making fun of the multimillion dollar players.  He has a wife who is a nymphomaniac.  It sounds funny in my head.
     Actually, I met a nymphomaniac once.  I was working in a hospital as a pharmacy technician.  I had to deliver meds to the psych unit.  A young, very young, girl saw me in the nurses station and said I was handsome, sexy, and she wanted to be my friend.  She wanted me to come with her.  The nurses were just sitting there, not moving.  I finally distracted the girl and made my way to the elevator, making a fast as possible escape.  The next night they all had a good laugh, telling me they were not going to help me out of that one.
     To be honest, I was kind of a bad employee.... which would make a good comedy.  I might be able to tell some of those stories because I think the statute of limitations has run its course.
     By the way, spell checker says all the words are spelled correctly in this...... I don't believe it.

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