Sunday, September 27, 2015

yikes......need some control

I went grocery shopping myself

     Don't get your shorts in a knot....the buy above was on purpose.
     Yes, Jackie gave me a list.
     Yes, I had two stops to make.
     Yes, I am shopping for three.
     The Target experience was ok.  I spent a little more than I thought I would, but they had mega rolls of Charmin extra strong on sale.  So I bought a pack for $16.99.  To be honest, I have no idea whether that was a good buy or not.  TP comes in regular, double roll, family roll, mega roll and the new mega roll plus, which doubles as a spare tire if you get a flat on the way home.
     I don't know if TP wall holders will even handle the mega plus.
     I like the mega rolls because you don't run out as often and they use less materials because you cut down on rollers.
     And I have tried to take the square inches of the various offerings and determine which is the best buy.  Have tried being the key words.  Without a calculator it is almost impossible.
     Of course, I could use the calculator function on the phone, which I just realized.....oh well.
     And I bought some stuff for our newest family member:  container for food, small leash, training treats, a second container for food.  (It's a dog, in case you missed the news.)
     Then I went to the Iowa based grocery store that has the super friendly people over near the custard shop.
     (Hey, if they want me to use their names, they can pay me to advertise.)
     A brand of soup I like was on sale for 99 cents a can!  An incredible price!!
     A woman of what appeared to be Asian ancestry was working in the store, restocking soup.  I was picking up a few cans and she asked me if the price was a bargain.  She added she had no idea about prices "here".
     I told her yes, it was less than half of what it normally sells for.  She said yesterday and today the soup was flying off the shelves.
     In my case it was literally flying off the shelves.
     I picked up a chicken with dumplings and the can sailed out of my hand and landed on the floor, splitting open and spilling soup.
     I apologized and she said not to worry about it and went off to get a bucket.
     I really need to make soup.  That is my favorite winter lunch...a bowl of soup.
     I have 12 cans, but that is barely two weeks worth.
     That's when I saw the mega rolls of Charmin extra strong for only $15!  So I bought another package.
     I now have packages containing 86 mega rolls in the basement, and another 20 spread out in the bathrooms upstairs.
     Seeing as I just scheduled a colonoscopy, that might be enough.

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