Wednesday, September 9, 2015

doctor, doctor gimme the news

I had my quarterly doctor visit today

    I used to see Kent and he would ask me, "Hey Terry.  What's up?"
    I would laugh and say ,"My weight, my blood pressure and my credit card debt."
    Then we would laugh.
    I have gained 8 pounds this year.  I am officially obese.  (Beth, write your own punchline here.  Don't send it to me.)
    Not only that, my BP was up considerably.
   Of course, the salt, fried foods, white chocolate mochas, Swiss chocolate and second helpings of almost everything are a contributing factor.  As are the carbs I eat and my general aversion to exercise and self control.
    (Funny, maybe true, story:  Friend Steve taught at middle school.  One day a girl was sitting in class combing her hair.  He tolerated it a few minutes, then said, " you have an aversion to class?"  She looked at him and said, "I ain't no virgin."  I think it's funny, although sad.  My mom warned me about girls like that but despite my efforts, I never found them when I was a teen.)
    Heart attack and stroke...two top killers of men over 50 and what am I doing?  Courting both by my lifestyle choices.
    I think I need to take my body seriously.
    I had salad tonight, and for a night snack I had an apple.
    I know there is no magic pill, or mantra I can chant.
    I also know, I have to do something.

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