Thursday, September 17, 2015

rain, rain, go away

I have a Cub game tomorrow

     When I tell someone that, they say:  "It's going to rain."
     Baloney!  It will be a beautiful day at the park.  Cubs will win tomorrow, if the starter can make it through the first inning without a home run.
     After all, Mr. Cub made his debut on this date 60 years ago.  They have to win for him.
     Called my brother today.
     When his wife answered, I said gruffly, "Hey, what do you want?"
     "What do you mean what do I want?" she answered.
     "Well, you called me."
     "I didn't call you," she said.
     "Well, your husband did.  Let me talk to him."
     "Ummmm, I don't have a husband."
     "Isn't this Ruth?" I asked.
     "No, it is not." She confirmed my dreaded thought.
      So I apologized, looked up the number, and redialed.  This time I got him.
     Which shows that in addition to not visually  recognizing people, I have sunk to not even recognizing their voices!
     I know numbers for some people.  I know the park district, John, my brother, Bart and Laurie, Steve and Jane, Tilton School, my barber, the hospital.....I have them ingrained in my head and never look them up.
      I admit, I have left some weird messages with strangers, but they have never called me back to complain.
     Well, actually some guy in Baton Rouge, LA, called me once and said I left a message for a bed and breakfast in Iowa on his phone in Louisiana.  I must have mis-dialed the area code on that one.  It was nice to talk to a Cajun, however.
     We get several calls a year for an RV storage place that has almost the same number as mine.  I will direct them to the correct number, but if they leave a message, I will return the call or just call the RV place and relay the message.
     Now for the delicate news.
     I have a doctor's appointment next week to discuss a procedure I will have to have done this fall.  It involves a garden hose and 16  mm. camera rammed  into an opening not designed for insertions, but evacuations.
     I am not looking forward to this.
     And that is all I will say about that!

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