Saturday, September 26, 2015

what have we done?

We got Jackie's dog today

     Corki is a little cutie.  Black and white with adorable eyes, she is five years old and weighs about 17 pounds.
     And she humps everything in sight!
    At least she tries to.  We are getting really good at going  "ah, ah, ah" or however you spell that sound made with a high nasal twang.
     So far she has tried my leg, Jackie's leg, John's leg, my leg, (again), my back, my leg (again!) and about five minutes ago, her dog bed.
     Our little girl is a ho!  (Words a father never thought he would say.)
     And the command sit is a little weak.  Or it might be a coincidence.  We will have to work on that.
     She does bark when she wants to go out or when someone comes in the house.  We found that out when Emily and John came in the back door, walked into the great room and said hi to everyone.  It was about then Corki noticed new people, and promptly tried to hump them.
     In a big way I am glad Emily's dogs don't do that.  A 123 pound Great Dane that wants to love up my leg would probably accomplish it because I would not be strong enough to push him off.
     We have collected or bought several items.
     Corkie now has 3 dog beds, small tennis balls, a retractable leash, a crate, treats, food, toys, water and food bowls, a mat for the bowls, a brush and who knows what else.
     One problem I have is I am not used to her being around, so I have almost stepped on her a couple of times.  She was lying on the floor and I forgot she was there.
     That would be impossible to do with a Great Dane.
     She is about to undergo her first night in the Dickow household.
     I hope it is a good one.... I need the sleep.
     Perhaps in my sleep I can ponder the age old question:  Can a barking dog wake me from a deep sleep and allow me to go back to sleep once we return from the out of doors because I will think every bark is a "let me out I gotta pee" type bark.
    Time will tell.

Jackie and Corki

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