Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I did not win the lottery, again

     Powerball was $310 million, so I bought 3 tickets.  That is $6 for a dream folks, for a dream.
     They are drawing the numbers now, but I don't want to know.  I will go to bed thinking I won $310 million and I will have sweet dreams, indeed.
     In another lottery front, Linda Kollmeyer has been one of the lottery announcers during the 9 p.m. WGN newscasts.  This was her last night doing the drawings.  The drawings will be computerized and on the website, not drawn in front of a camera.
     I love watching Linda.  She is lively, upbeat, quirky and full of sayings to make life a little better.
     I don't know how much she made announcing the drawing, but I know it wasn't enough.  She was an asset to the lottery and will be missed.
     It's been a good two days at the old homestead.
     I mowed.  I puttered.  I rode my bike.
     Holy cow, it was windy today!
     Old biking advice....ride out into the wind, ride home with the wind.  Kind of hard if you are going the wrong way all the time.
     I did my two laps around the subdivision and then wandered down Fowler Road.  I don't really like riding on the road after 3 because there are a lot of cars with kids coming home from school, parents driving back and forth, buses dropping off their loads.
     But I rode at 3:30 anyway because I was busy all morning.  The wind was so strong, it almost blew me over!  Seriously!  A gust almost knocked me down.....which at my weight is pretty hard to do.
     In closing, if you never hear from me again, don't take it personal.  It's just that I won the $310 million and am disconnecting my phone.
     I just hope nobody pinches me in the morning.

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