Monday, September 28, 2015

a word from our sponsor

You should buy a calendar from me

     These are the Rotary daily cash give-a-way calendars and you should be one, or two, from me.
     Thought you would never ask.
     The top ten reasons to buy a calendar from me, Terry Dickow:
10.     There are great pictures of people doing stuff.  You might even know some of the people.  I do, but I can't remember their names.
9.       You can send it to a child in college.  Maybe you have a daughter at SIU, or some other institution of higher knowledge.  You can send them a calendar and when they win, they will get unexpected beer, I mean book, money.
8.     They make great gifts for teachers.  The teacher can cross of the Mondays and keep track of how many (Dede?) Mondays are left in the school year.
7.     You can write down appointments.  I use it for all my appointments.  You do have to look at it once in a while because if you don't, you'll miss one.  You can write down when you have things to do that can't be colonoscopies.
6.      People looking for a house or selling a house can have a visual reminder of when major holidays come.  Real estate agents and brokers (Todd??) can give them to clients in appreciation for their listings.  Their clients will appreciate the thoughtfulness of their realtor.

5.       You can surprise a total stranger by finding their name in the phone book, buying a calendar, and writing their name on the entry slip.  They will be surprised, and slightly confused, when they win money and get a check for $25, or even $1000!
4.     Buy one for an elderly resident so they can keep track of their grand children's birthdays.  Calendars are especially  valuable to senior citizens.  Cubs' manager Joe Maddon said he was 61 and noticed life was like a roll of toilet goes a lot faster near the end.  Buy a senior one now before it is too late.  And I mean before Jan. 1.
3     You can buy it for a neighbor whom you may have kept awake by yelling, "Cubs Win" when they take the NL Championship and eventually win the World Series by sweeping Toronto.
2.     You can win money.  $25, $250.$1,000 every day of the year.  And for 2016,  as a special offer, we are giving you a day free!
1.     You are supporting local groups and charities.  Folks, you know times are tough for agencies dependent on government funds.  About $18,000 in calendar sales money goes to groups that serve the under served, ignored, mistreated, and shattered humans in our communities.  The Food Pantry.  Safe Passage.  Rochelle Child Care Center.  CASA (this helps children and their dealings with the courts in abuse cases).  Focus House.  Rochelle Foundation.  Shining Star (helps youngsters dealing with sexual abuse).  Hub City Senior Center.
     Calendar sales are the Rochelle Rotary Club's way to get these agencies some extra dollars in tough times.
     And you benefit too.  Coupons for food specials at Flight Deck, Abraham's, Yoshino, Tecalitlan, and Alfano's  could pay for the cost of the calendar.  And if you are a gardener, there is a coupon for 25 per cent off your total purchase at Hidden Timber Gardens, and 30 per cent off your purchase at Merlin's Flowers in Oregon.  Great deals for gardeners!  Cypress House has a coupon for 20 per cent off a purchase!
     So, contact me.    I have calendars.  I will deliver them to you.
     Yes, they are $20 each.  And to be honest, I have not won in three years.
     But every day I know there is a chance I can win and I know I an helping to do good for our community.
     Actually, I guess I am  winner!.
     You can be too.....let me know.

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