Sunday, September 6, 2015

eeny, meeny, minee, moe

I have a couple of important decisions to make

    First off, I need to buy a door bell.
    A wireless doorbell.
    This door bell has to be big enough to fit over the space created by my original doorbell, the one we can't seem to locate the transformer for in order to change it so it works.
    Normally the transformer is located near the circuit box....but for some reason, mine isn't there.  It may be located in the ceiling above where the futon is in the basement.  We had that ceiling drywalled  during construction and I never knew to look up there to see what was being covered up.      Now I know.
    My second decision concerns travel.  My dear wife gave me some options, but I can only pick one.     Trouble is, I want both. Actually, there are about 4 I want, but I don't think we can afford more than two.  If that.
    Anyway, I have to save my pennies and nickles for that playoff game ticket that will be available.
    But first things first:  a wireless door bell.
    If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, I am willing to listen.
    Until then, knock loudly if you stop by.

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