Friday, September 4, 2015

old friends......

I'm going to miss a woman named Donna

     She was a volunteer at BZ, just like me.  A Friday regular.
     She "retired" today after 40 years as a volunteer.
     40 years!
     She volunteered for longer than most people work!  If I was to volunteer for 40 years, I would have to be 100......fat chance of that happening!
    Anyway, is was sad to see her go.
    On the upside, we had pizza from a place call Pisano's in Brookfield.  Really tasty stuff.
    And tonight I had some pizza from in town  and a little Swiss rose with friend Sherri...the first time we have gotten together in months.  All of that was good also.
     It's funny how time flies .... and yet seems to stand still at the same time.
     The rose is making me tired......that plus the lack of sleep last night.  I guess coffee in the afternoon and iced tea at supper is not a good idea when caffeine is known to keep one awake!
    Sweet dreams....and happy Labor Day weekend.
    And hey, let's be careful out there.

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