Friday, September 25, 2015

I may have a twin

Please ease up on the crybaby jokes

    Cong. John Boehner is quitting Congress at the end of October.
    He is currently Speaker of the House.  But he is also a little emotional.
    Cong. Boehner has been shown on tv crying several times.
    I get it.  He is emotional.
    But that is not a bad it?
    I was cleaning in my garage the other day, actually going through pictures my mother had that ended up in Emily's basement.
    All of a sudden, I started bawling.  Looking at all those aunts and uncles who are now dead just brought me to tears.  I can't help it.
    Tossing out something one of the girls made?  Tears.
    Saying goodbye to Emily at the airport?  Tears.
    Saying goodbye to Julia at the airport? Tears.
    Watching Casablanca?  Tears.
    Watching the Cubs bullpen blow a lead?  Tears.
    Hearing the Gospel on Good Friday?  Tears.
    Seeing a friend in pain and not being able to help?  Tears.
    Reading Where the Red Fern Grows"  Tears
    I'm at an age when it doesn't matter what people think.  And to prove that, Bethie, I actually went to the store wearing shorts and black socks!!
     Ok, I didn't do it on purpose.   I changed into shorts and forgot, but I was still wearing black socks.  But it still counts as daring do.
    So when I read about people deriding Boehner because of his tears, I tear up myself.  It's not fair to be considered weak at the drop of a tear.
    After all, if you want to criticize the man, criticize the morass the House of Representatives has become, the 60+ attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the constant denial of global warming and women's reproductive rights, the unbalanced budget and the inability to actually stand up and say, "Excuse me...he is not a Muslim born in Kenya" to all the idiots who still believe that!
    Come to think of it, maybe that's why Boehner does cry all the time....and why I shed a tear or two thinking about our country's future.

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