Wednesday, September 23, 2015

stuff, stuff and more stuff

I worked on my garage for a few hours today

     It is a mess.  It was not neat before the tornado, and is much worse now.
     I found a folder from a journalism class I took at NIU.  This was a 300 level class, and I got a C in the class.
     I did not deserve it.
     Funny, I was just telling this story the other day.
    And maybe I already told it .... but it's late, and I don't feel like checking.
     I was on academic probation for something like seven semesters at NIU.  I flunked a five hour math class my first semester, and never quite recovered.  I even managed a D or two along the way in early morning classes that I rarely attended.
     Throw in all the classes I didn't care about and it was apparent I was not a great student.
     When I started taking classes in my major that all changed.  I was a journalism major and I loved the classes, loved the peers, loved the instructors.   Except one.  The guy who gave me a C.
     Now a C might not seem like a bad thing, but it resulted in a letter from the university telling me I was not invited back for my senior year because I did not maintain a 2.0 for that semester.
(Long story.  Alcohol was involved.)
     I went into this instructor's office and asked why I received a C.
     "Your tests must not have been good." was the smug reply.
    I pulled out all my tests.  Nothing lower than a B.
     "Well, your written assignments must not have been good."
     I pulled out all the assignments....every single one....and gave them to him.  One C, the rest were either B or better, but mostly B.
     "Well," he stammered.  "You must have been absent more than 3 times."
     I asked him to please check the attendance book.  He did.  I wasn't.  One of the few classes I actually attended regularly.
     When he was done I repeated my question;  Why did I get a C?
     "Humph," he said.  "My grad assistant did the grades and he must have made a mistake."
     I looked at him, as controlled as I could be, and said. "I don't give a shit who made the mistake.  It needs to be fixed now or I am out of the university."
     He recomputed everything and within a week my C was a B, which it should have been, and I was back for my final three semesters at NIU.
     So there I was, sitting in my garage today, holding the folder with the grades of my assignments.  I don't have the tests, but I have the assignment list and the hand written, by the prof, grades.  I even have a couple of the assignments.
     For some reason, I just can't throw that folder out.

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