Sunday, September 13, 2015

I can't believe I ate the whole thing

I went to 30 Men Who Cook last night

     If you are not familiar with the event, 30 (or so) chefs (not all men) prepare their best food. Patrons pay to go in and sample, with best entries picked for appetizer,  entree, dessert and table decorations.
     I have never seen so much bacon in one room.  There might be a shortage in local stores this week until they get a chance to stock up.
     There were bacon wrapped potato nuggets, bacon wrapped fruit, donuts with maple syrup and bacon, a cheeseburger with bacon, peanut butter ,and get the idea.
      I actually liked the PB & J cheeseburger with bacon...hit all my food groups in one bite.
     You just get a sampling, but if you have 30 samplings, it is a lot of food.
     The proceeds go to  a worthy cause...the foundation at Rochelle Township High School.  The money is used to but extras, like cameras, computers, books, that the district can not cover in the budget.
     I saw lots of people I knew, including Renee, Wendy and their group.  I did not talk to them for long, because I was busy eating.  Plus, I have a hard time hearing in crowds, so I tend to keep to myself in a large room.
     A few years ago Dan, Ross and I were chefs.  We did that for two years, making what we felt were prize winning dishes.  We didn't win.  I had planned to cook with John this year, but somehow never got around to finding out who to contact.  You would think they would automatically ask people who have cooked in previous years....but I guess not.
     I didn't see the firemen this year either, which was sad because they always have an interesting presentation.  No Marv and Steve either.
     But it was a good time.
     It was announced that next year's event will include a change in venue.  Huh.  Not sure what that means.  I just hope the food is as good, and unusual, as it was this year.
     And just in case, I am keeping an eye out for an award winning recipe.
     And it won't involve bacon.

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