Saturday, September 5, 2015

good bye, farewell....

I had forgotten the third wasp story

     We had people over tonight.  Emily, John and Camryn came, along with Kevin, Jen, Samantha I, Sandy, Samantha II, and Chris.
     It was  a bittersweet night.  One birthday, one going away.  Good food always makes the night go better.
     We were talking about this blog and Emily mentioned the third wasp story.  Honestly, I had almost forgotten that one....finally.
     When we were teaching we did not have a lot of extra money around for vacations.  My brother had a cabin in Wisconsin and offered to let us spend a few days up there during the week.
     We happily agreed and headed for the great north woods, at least the area north of the Dells.
     This was a log cabin.  A genuine log cabin, and it was pretty neat.
     We went into the house and I saw a couple of wasps on the window.  I grabbed the wasp spray that was on the counter and got them.  Then I saw a couple more.  Got them.  We killed 17 yellow jackets in the house and ran out of bug spray.
     We piled in the car and drove to town and bought more.
     Going back into the house, I killed more.  And more.
     They seemed to be everywhere.
     I saw some on the pull chain for the lamp, and went up the stairs to spray.
     Before I could get off a shot, one of those buzzy little guys landed on my manhood.  I did not know what to do.
     "Swat him!"  yelled Jackie.
     "If I hit him hard enough to kill him I'll never walk again!" I yelled back.
     "Spray him," yelled the girls.
     "I can't move!  What if he stings?'
    My fear was being stung in the penis by an angry hornet and having to go to an emergency room to get the swelling down. THAT would have been embarrassing.
     After about 3 hours (time does not fly with a yellow jacket nesting on your penis) the guy flew off.
     I  said,  "We are getting out of here.  This is not worth it."
     So we left but eventually we had to go back.  Our stuff was still there.
     We went back in and sure enough, more wasps.
     We had gone through four cans of spray by now.  Dead yellow jackets littered the floor.
     I went up into the loft and laid down on the bed.  A wasp buzzed my head.  Then another.
     I looked at the wall and the yellow jackets were crawling through the space between the logs!
     I called my brother, frantic, and he just laughed.  He told me to find the oakum in the kitchen and just push it into the hole.  That would seal it and keep out the yellow jackets, who had a huge nest under the eaves on the outside of that wall.
     The oakum worked.  I killed the ones that were in the house and we spent the next two days enjoying Wisconsin.
     But I wonder how my life would have been had  been stung.
     I know somewhere some nurses would still be laughing about it.

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