Thursday, September 10, 2015

what have I done? Again!!

I seem to have volunteered, again

     As you may know, I am on the Flagg Township Historical Society Board.  I sat on it as the park district rep, when my park board term ended I just stayed on the board.
     There are two events coming up:  A DAR program Oct. 4 and the first ever fund raising dinner for the museum Oct. 24.  I am presenting the programs for both.
     Well, sort of.  The DAR program is a history of Rochelle.  The museum dinner is an entertaining history of Rochelle.
     Several years ago VCCT did a history of Rochelle during the Heritage Festival.  If I had a copy of that script, it would make life very easy for me.
     But that was three computers ago and I can't find it.
     Anyway, the October dinner program should be should be about 20 minutes.  I think.  I hate to do that by myself, so if anyone is interested in helping out, please let me know.  They did say it should be entertaining.  Think funny.
    Yes, that is the weekend of a VCCT show....but I am not in that show.  And if you are not in the show, then consider helping me out with a fractured history of Rochelle.
     That about sums it up.  Except this is going to cut into my spider solitaire time because I do have to do a little preparation.
     Next time I am at a meeting, I am going to sit on my hands.

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