Friday, September 11, 2015

that was close

I had a car issue today

     I was motoring along on IL 38 near the Presbyterian Church when I felt a bang underneath my car, and then heard the sound of metal scraping.
     It scared the bejeebees out of me!
     I pulled over onto Calvin Road by the church and got out to look.
     There was a metal rod hanging from my car and dragging along the road.  I tried to pull it out, but could not.
     I have a I called Krahenbuhl's and told them what happened.
     Withing minutes Ed and Roger pulled up and inspected the car.  Roger used a pliers to pull a metal rod out from the underside of the  car!

     Evidently I hit the rod and it flipped up and embedded itself in some paneling under the car.  Using the pliers, he pulled it right out....something I was afraid to do.
     I kept hoping my plus 8 pounds did not break the frame, causing the problem....but the metal was not from my car at all.
     That sucker could have caused some serious damage!  What if it flipped and went the other direction and pierced a car windshield?
     I honestly did not see that coming.  Or laying there either.
     Anyway, a couple of other pictures of no cultural value.

      This grasshopper was flying and not using its wings!  Or it was on my window, I don't remember.

     I just liked the colors.
     By the way.....I don't think my I Phone takes very good pictures.  I much prefer a real camera.
     That's it!

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