Tuesday, September 15, 2015

the fun is gone

I am beginning to hate the Internet

     Ok, maybe not all of it.
     But there is a growing area I am really getting tired of.  (Or...an area of content of which I am getting tired....for all you never use a preposition at the end of a sentence people.  By the way, preposition is spelling almost like proposition.)
     You've seen those "15 great Restaurant Signs" or "10 Do it Yourself Projects Gone Bad" posts.    They show 10  or 15 pictures of usually funny things.
     Lately I have noticed it just isn't enough to post the picture....someone has to state the obvious or put a joke on it to make it funnier when all it really does is make me feel stupid because somebody has to explain what is happening to me since I am so dumb.
      Example.  Picture of a guy on a ladder on a chair hanging a picture.  Caption:  "This man using a chair to make his ladder longer is looking for a fall."
     I know that.  I was laughing at the idiot until another idiot had to caption the picture.
     Brainjet is the worst.  I won't even look at their posts anymore.  They usually take two or three screens to explain or show why the picture is funny while adding their own comments to make it even funnier.
     Just show the damn picture.
     We don't have to know what the people at Walmart were thinking when they dressed like that....we already know.   And to be honest, I don't care what they were thinking.   Just show the picture.  No comments. No added insight.  Just the picture.
     On another note, the wasps are gone thanks to the X man.  You know who he is.
     He came and sprayed the nest on the eaves under the east side of the house then pointed out an even bigger nest on the back side that was very active.   When the spray hit that nest, dozens of yellow jackets came out.
     He said the spray has a residue that kills for a long time...so any wasp not in the nest will come back and get it on their feet and be a goner.
     I understand insects have a place in our world, although I haven't found a good reason for wasps.
     Altogether he sprayed 7 nests......most of which I never noticed.
     Now I'll probably have dreams of giant wasps invading my house seeking revenge.

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