Monday, September 21, 2015

sit, uboo, sit

I had a scary biking experience today

     I ride on familiar routes.
     I had never seen the dogs before.  4 what looked like Doberman pinschers, standing under a shade tree, watching me as I approached.
     My sunglasses were a little blurry, but the outline of the dogs was clear.  It was amazing how they stood, silently, as I approached.
     I waited for them to charge.....but as I neared them, and took off my sunglasses, I noticed they were lawn statues of deer!
     Really!!  It freaked the heck out of me.
     I had never seen dogs at this particular house, but sometimes I don't always pay attention.  I had never seen the deer ornaments before.
     I am the product of a vivid imagination.
     I see things that are not there, and hear things that are not real.  My mind is a jumble of thoughts all involving mayhem, murder, conspiracy, destruction, chaos and a Trump presidency.
     I am always convinced the train, or elevator, or sidewalk, or bridge is going to collapse with me on it.  I live in a state of constant fear for things irrational to most people.
     I have been this way my entire life.
     My eyesight isn't as sharp as it once was, so normal objects appear threatening at times.
     I am a walking advertisement for stricter control of firearms......I would have blasted those lawn statues today if I was armed.
     After the ride, it was a pretty good day.
     We had company and lasagna.  It's always a good Monday when you have lasagna.
     And wine.
     I think I am getting narcoleptic....or just tired.  So I better get to bed before the meteorite hits.

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