Tuesday, September 22, 2015

ait's getting closer

I made some pretty accurate predictions last January

     And no, they were not tongue in cheek.
     I predicted the Cubs and Sox would meet in the World Series.
     I also predicted the Cubs would make the playoffs.
     The time is almost here.
     A magic number of 3 means the Cubs need three wins, or three losses by the Giants, or a combination of them, to make the one and done game with Pittsburgh.
     And I believe they will beat Pittsburgh in a one game playoff.
     After that, I get a little concerned.  After the last two weeks, I think they could beat the Cards and the Mets....but I am not sure about the Dodgers.  They seem to be peaking and they may have the better overall pitching.
     Anyway, the Sox just seemed to fizzle.  I thought they had a pretty good team, but teams on paper don't count for diddly.
     It's an exciting time to be a Cub fan.  I have been to 7 games this season, with a 2-5 mark, and hope to catch a couple of more games before the gales of November come early.
     As Mr. C says, "Go Cubs!  Go."
     I also predicted the Hawks would win the Cup.  They did.
    But the Bulls fell flat in the playoffs and it looks like the Bears went into hibernation early this year.  When was the last time they started 0-3?
     I had hoped to see a pennant in my lifetime......so get the kids exposed to winning this year, add a third quality starter, and win it all in 2016!
     A World Series in Chicago?  It is going to happen, this year or next.

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