Saturday, September 19, 2015

another formality to follow

I don't like to text

    First off, my fingers are too big for the keys.  Yes, I can turn my phone sideways, but I still have a problem hitting the right keys.  I have a problem on a full size computer too, so that is no surprise.
     Also, texting is too immediate.   People feel like they have to answer a text right away.
     I tend to let it mellow and breath, like a good wine.  Then when I am free, I will read the text and answer, if necessary.
     Point:  If you want an immediate answer, texting me may not be the best option.
     Almost last of all, you can't really get a person's emotions by reading a  text.  Maybe the ! at the end of a sentence is anger.  Or wonderment.  Or awe.  A text doesn't always convey the emotion.
     Finally:    Sometimes you don't know who it came from.  Like the text I sent to a guy on Friday, explaining I was sorry I missed his call, was on my way to a Cub game and would call him Saturday.       He replied:  Great.  Who is this?
     I forgot he did not know my cell phone number, only my home number.
     However, I also have a cell phone problem.  I pocket dialed the house twice today.  I also did not answer 5 calls, including one made by mistake when the person was clearing old phone calls.  I don't know how I missed the calls; my phone was on and I had it with me, strangely enough.
     I guess I am like that guy who saw the first sheet of paper and said he preferred writing on stone.  Change comes hard to us Luddites.  (Google it if you must).
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my rooster.
     After all, I have to get up early tomorrow.

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