Sunday, September 20, 2015

chick, chick, chicken

We had a new chicken experience today

    We drove down to White Fence Farm in Romeoville.
    John, Kathy, John, Emily, Camryn, Jackie and I hit the road for a meal at this Illinois landmark.
Seriously.  The Farm has been around for almost 100 years, with its current owners dating from the early 1950s.
    The place must seat 1,000 people.  There are different dining rooms and the building also seems to double as a museum with all sorts of stuff inside.
    Of course, the main menu is chicken.  All the adults ordered the chicken, which is served family style with sides like mac and cheese, fries, or potatoes and gravy.  They also serve relish dishes.  I had the beets, which were chewy; the coleslaw, which was tangy; and the kidney beans in a creamy coating; which were delicious.  But the best was the little fritters they provided.
    And yes, Linda.  The place is owned by the family of Cong. Denny, former speaker of the house.  We did not see him there.
    Good time eating and visiting and shopping.  Shopping, you might ask?
    Yes.  We went to a store called The Dump which was north of the place about a 15 minute drive.
    Besides the cars in front of us almost getting creamed by someone running a red light, it was a pretty uneventful day.
    Jackie picked out two rugs.  I paid.
    We got in the car and I realized something.
    This was the shopping center I stopped in last spring when I got lost going to The Container Store in Oakbrook!  A place I had never been too, and didn't know where it was, and there I was again!
    The advantage was I knew how to get back on 88.
    After all, I'd been down that road before!

    Maybe some pictures.

Even the rug had a chicken theme

 Would not be a tourist spot without a tourist thingy!

Not that is a chicken!

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