Tuesday, September 8, 2015

what am I doing up here?

I don't like ladders

    Doesn't matter how high, I don't like ladders.  A small step stool is ok, but not ladders.
I was remembering that last week when I was climbing up into the attic with an electrician friend.            That's how we found out one of my attic fans was dead.
    So I e-mailed the builder, who said it was covered by a 5 year guarantee.  All I needed to do was get the serial number.
    So I got my step ladder out, opened it up and pushed the scuttle entry out of the way.  Then I got my extension ladder and raised it so I could get into the attic without standing on the top rung of the regular ladder.
    Now, I don't see as well as I used to.
    I am in the attic with a flash light and hand magnifying  lens and nothing to hold onto with.  I always fear I will fall through the ceiling, like they do in comedies or like the time my father put his foot through the ceiling when I was a kid.
    Yes, it is funny, but a pain in the neck to repair.
    I yelled the serial numbers down to Jackie, who dutifully wrote them down.  But I don't know if they are correct.  Was that a B or an 8?  5 or C?  Time will tell.
    I got down, put away the extension ladder, moved the step ladder, put the scuttle opening back in place and put away the ladder.
    I took the information to ABC building supplies and Dave says to me, "The serial number is great and I need that.  But I also need the date the motor was made."
    So I go back home and repeat the process of climbing into the attic.
    This marks the third time in a week I have been in the attic.  Thank heavens there are no spiders or creepy things there. (Besides me)
    Then I figured, I have the step ladder out, might as well move the fly strip I hung in the garage that smacks everybody in the face.  Well, not Jackie because she it to short....it just brushes the top of her head.  Now it is catching flies, not people.
    All I have to do is wait for the replacement fan.
    I just hope I don't have to go into the attic again.

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