Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I did not win the lottery, again

     Powerball was $310 million, so I bought 3 tickets.  That is $6 for a dream folks, for a dream.
     They are drawing the numbers now, but I don't want to know.  I will go to bed thinking I won $310 million and I will have sweet dreams, indeed.
     In another lottery front, Linda Kollmeyer has been one of the lottery announcers during the 9 p.m. WGN newscasts.  This was her last night doing the drawings.  The drawings will be computerized and on the website, not drawn in front of a camera.
     I love watching Linda.  She is lively, upbeat, quirky and full of sayings to make life a little better.
     I don't know how much she made announcing the drawing, but I know it wasn't enough.  She was an asset to the lottery and will be missed.
     It's been a good two days at the old homestead.
     I mowed.  I puttered.  I rode my bike.
     Holy cow, it was windy today!
     Old biking advice....ride out into the wind, ride home with the wind.  Kind of hard if you are going the wrong way all the time.
     I did my two laps around the subdivision and then wandered down Fowler Road.  I don't really like riding on the road after 3 because there are a lot of cars with kids coming home from school, parents driving back and forth, buses dropping off their loads.
     But I rode at 3:30 anyway because I was busy all morning.  The wind was so strong, it almost blew me over!  Seriously!  A gust almost knocked me down.....which at my weight is pretty hard to do.
     In closing, if you never hear from me again, don't take it personal.  It's just that I won the $310 million and am disconnecting my phone.
     I just hope nobody pinches me in the morning.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

project two down

I actually scratched something off my list today!

     That makes three long term fall goals I have accomplished.
     I actually feel pretty good about myself.  I hope I can continue the trend.
     Two of my next projects are time consuming:  washing the windows inside and out, and washing and waxing the cars.  They are a and cars.
     If this keeps up, I may be done with my list.
     Anyway, I have news I want to share but I can't.  Not yet.
     And it's good news.  At least for me.
     When the time comes, you will know.
     Until then.....time for a little early sleep.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes!

Monday, September 28, 2015

a word from our sponsor

You should buy a calendar from me

     These are the Rotary daily cash give-a-way calendars and you should be one, or two, from me.
     Thought you would never ask.
     The top ten reasons to buy a calendar from me, Terry Dickow:
10.     There are great pictures of people doing stuff.  You might even know some of the people.  I do, but I can't remember their names.
9.       You can send it to a child in college.  Maybe you have a daughter at SIU, or some other institution of higher knowledge.  You can send them a calendar and when they win, they will get unexpected beer, I mean book, money.
8.     They make great gifts for teachers.  The teacher can cross of the Mondays and keep track of how many (Dede?) Mondays are left in the school year.
7.     You can write down appointments.  I use it for all my appointments.  You do have to look at it once in a while because if you don't, you'll miss one.  You can write down when you have things to do that can't be colonoscopies.
6.      People looking for a house or selling a house can have a visual reminder of when major holidays come.  Real estate agents and brokers (Todd??) can give them to clients in appreciation for their listings.  Their clients will appreciate the thoughtfulness of their realtor.

5.       You can surprise a total stranger by finding their name in the phone book, buying a calendar, and writing their name on the entry slip.  They will be surprised, and slightly confused, when they win money and get a check for $25, or even $1000!
4.     Buy one for an elderly resident so they can keep track of their grand children's birthdays.  Calendars are especially  valuable to senior citizens.  Cubs' manager Joe Maddon said he was 61 and noticed life was like a roll of toilet goes a lot faster near the end.  Buy a senior one now before it is too late.  And I mean before Jan. 1.
3     You can buy it for a neighbor whom you may have kept awake by yelling, "Cubs Win" when they take the NL Championship and eventually win the World Series by sweeping Toronto.
2.     You can win money.  $25, $250.$1,000 every day of the year.  And for 2016,  as a special offer, we are giving you a day free!
1.     You are supporting local groups and charities.  Folks, you know times are tough for agencies dependent on government funds.  About $18,000 in calendar sales money goes to groups that serve the under served, ignored, mistreated, and shattered humans in our communities.  The Food Pantry.  Safe Passage.  Rochelle Child Care Center.  CASA (this helps children and their dealings with the courts in abuse cases).  Focus House.  Rochelle Foundation.  Shining Star (helps youngsters dealing with sexual abuse).  Hub City Senior Center.
     Calendar sales are the Rochelle Rotary Club's way to get these agencies some extra dollars in tough times.
     And you benefit too.  Coupons for food specials at Flight Deck, Abraham's, Yoshino, Tecalitlan, and Alfano's  could pay for the cost of the calendar.  And if you are a gardener, there is a coupon for 25 per cent off your total purchase at Hidden Timber Gardens, and 30 per cent off your purchase at Merlin's Flowers in Oregon.  Great deals for gardeners!  Cypress House has a coupon for 20 per cent off a purchase!
     So, contact me.    I have calendars.  I will deliver them to you.
     Yes, they are $20 each.  And to be honest, I have not won in three years.
     But every day I know there is a chance I can win and I know I an helping to do good for our community.
     Actually, I guess I am  winner!.
     You can be too.....let me know.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

yikes......need some control

I went grocery shopping myself

     Don't get your shorts in a knot....the buy above was on purpose.
     Yes, Jackie gave me a list.
     Yes, I had two stops to make.
     Yes, I am shopping for three.
     The Target experience was ok.  I spent a little more than I thought I would, but they had mega rolls of Charmin extra strong on sale.  So I bought a pack for $16.99.  To be honest, I have no idea whether that was a good buy or not.  TP comes in regular, double roll, family roll, mega roll and the new mega roll plus, which doubles as a spare tire if you get a flat on the way home.
     I don't know if TP wall holders will even handle the mega plus.
     I like the mega rolls because you don't run out as often and they use less materials because you cut down on rollers.
     And I have tried to take the square inches of the various offerings and determine which is the best buy.  Have tried being the key words.  Without a calculator it is almost impossible.
     Of course, I could use the calculator function on the phone, which I just realized.....oh well.
     And I bought some stuff for our newest family member:  container for food, small leash, training treats, a second container for food.  (It's a dog, in case you missed the news.)
     Then I went to the Iowa based grocery store that has the super friendly people over near the custard shop.
     (Hey, if they want me to use their names, they can pay me to advertise.)
     A brand of soup I like was on sale for 99 cents a can!  An incredible price!!
     A woman of what appeared to be Asian ancestry was working in the store, restocking soup.  I was picking up a few cans and she asked me if the price was a bargain.  She added she had no idea about prices "here".
     I told her yes, it was less than half of what it normally sells for.  She said yesterday and today the soup was flying off the shelves.
     In my case it was literally flying off the shelves.
     I picked up a chicken with dumplings and the can sailed out of my hand and landed on the floor, splitting open and spilling soup.
     I apologized and she said not to worry about it and went off to get a bucket.
     I really need to make soup.  That is my favorite winter lunch...a bowl of soup.
     I have 12 cans, but that is barely two weeks worth.
     That's when I saw the mega rolls of Charmin extra strong for only $15!  So I bought another package.
     I now have packages containing 86 mega rolls in the basement, and another 20 spread out in the bathrooms upstairs.
     Seeing as I just scheduled a colonoscopy, that might be enough.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

what have we done?

We got Jackie's dog today

     Corki is a little cutie.  Black and white with adorable eyes, she is five years old and weighs about 17 pounds.
     And she humps everything in sight!
    At least she tries to.  We are getting really good at going  "ah, ah, ah" or however you spell that sound made with a high nasal twang.
     So far she has tried my leg, Jackie's leg, John's leg, my leg, (again), my back, my leg (again!) and about five minutes ago, her dog bed.
     Our little girl is a ho!  (Words a father never thought he would say.)
     And the command sit is a little weak.  Or it might be a coincidence.  We will have to work on that.
     She does bark when she wants to go out or when someone comes in the house.  We found that out when Emily and John came in the back door, walked into the great room and said hi to everyone.  It was about then Corki noticed new people, and promptly tried to hump them.
     In a big way I am glad Emily's dogs don't do that.  A 123 pound Great Dane that wants to love up my leg would probably accomplish it because I would not be strong enough to push him off.
     We have collected or bought several items.
     Corkie now has 3 dog beds, small tennis balls, a retractable leash, a crate, treats, food, toys, water and food bowls, a mat for the bowls, a brush and who knows what else.
     One problem I have is I am not used to her being around, so I have almost stepped on her a couple of times.  She was lying on the floor and I forgot she was there.
     That would be impossible to do with a Great Dane.
     She is about to undergo her first night in the Dickow household.
     I hope it is a good one.... I need the sleep.
     Perhaps in my sleep I can ponder the age old question:  Can a barking dog wake me from a deep sleep and allow me to go back to sleep once we return from the out of doors because I will think every bark is a "let me out I gotta pee" type bark.
    Time will tell.

Jackie and Corki

Friday, September 25, 2015

I may have a twin

Please ease up on the crybaby jokes

    Cong. John Boehner is quitting Congress at the end of October.
    He is currently Speaker of the House.  But he is also a little emotional.
    Cong. Boehner has been shown on tv crying several times.
    I get it.  He is emotional.
    But that is not a bad it?
    I was cleaning in my garage the other day, actually going through pictures my mother had that ended up in Emily's basement.
    All of a sudden, I started bawling.  Looking at all those aunts and uncles who are now dead just brought me to tears.  I can't help it.
    Tossing out something one of the girls made?  Tears.
    Saying goodbye to Emily at the airport?  Tears.
    Saying goodbye to Julia at the airport? Tears.
    Watching Casablanca?  Tears.
    Watching the Cubs bullpen blow a lead?  Tears.
    Hearing the Gospel on Good Friday?  Tears.
    Seeing a friend in pain and not being able to help?  Tears.
    Reading Where the Red Fern Grows"  Tears
    I'm at an age when it doesn't matter what people think.  And to prove that, Bethie, I actually went to the store wearing shorts and black socks!!
     Ok, I didn't do it on purpose.   I changed into shorts and forgot, but I was still wearing black socks.  But it still counts as daring do.
    So when I read about people deriding Boehner because of his tears, I tear up myself.  It's not fair to be considered weak at the drop of a tear.
    After all, if you want to criticize the man, criticize the morass the House of Representatives has become, the 60+ attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the constant denial of global warming and women's reproductive rights, the unbalanced budget and the inability to actually stand up and say, "Excuse me...he is not a Muslim born in Kenya" to all the idiots who still believe that!
    Come to think of it, maybe that's why Boehner does cry all the time....and why I shed a tear or two thinking about our country's future.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

stuff, stuff and more stuff

I worked on my garage for a few hours today

     It is a mess.  It was not neat before the tornado, and is much worse now.
     I found a folder from a journalism class I took at NIU.  This was a 300 level class, and I got a C in the class.
     I did not deserve it.
     Funny, I was just telling this story the other day.
    And maybe I already told it .... but it's late, and I don't feel like checking.
     I was on academic probation for something like seven semesters at NIU.  I flunked a five hour math class my first semester, and never quite recovered.  I even managed a D or two along the way in early morning classes that I rarely attended.
     Throw in all the classes I didn't care about and it was apparent I was not a great student.
     When I started taking classes in my major that all changed.  I was a journalism major and I loved the classes, loved the peers, loved the instructors.   Except one.  The guy who gave me a C.
     Now a C might not seem like a bad thing, but it resulted in a letter from the university telling me I was not invited back for my senior year because I did not maintain a 2.0 for that semester.
(Long story.  Alcohol was involved.)
     I went into this instructor's office and asked why I received a C.
     "Your tests must not have been good." was the smug reply.
    I pulled out all my tests.  Nothing lower than a B.
     "Well, your written assignments must not have been good."
     I pulled out all the assignments....every single one....and gave them to him.  One C, the rest were either B or better, but mostly B.
     "Well," he stammered.  "You must have been absent more than 3 times."
     I asked him to please check the attendance book.  He did.  I wasn't.  One of the few classes I actually attended regularly.
     When he was done I repeated my question;  Why did I get a C?
     "Humph," he said.  "My grad assistant did the grades and he must have made a mistake."
     I looked at him, as controlled as I could be, and said. "I don't give a shit who made the mistake.  It needs to be fixed now or I am out of the university."
     He recomputed everything and within a week my C was a B, which it should have been, and I was back for my final three semesters at NIU.
     So there I was, sitting in my garage today, holding the folder with the grades of my assignments.  I don't have the tests, but I have the assignment list and the hand written, by the prof, grades.  I even have a couple of the assignments.
     For some reason, I just can't throw that folder out.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

ait's getting closer

I made some pretty accurate predictions last January

     And no, they were not tongue in cheek.
     I predicted the Cubs and Sox would meet in the World Series.
     I also predicted the Cubs would make the playoffs.
     The time is almost here.
     A magic number of 3 means the Cubs need three wins, or three losses by the Giants, or a combination of them, to make the one and done game with Pittsburgh.
     And I believe they will beat Pittsburgh in a one game playoff.
     After that, I get a little concerned.  After the last two weeks, I think they could beat the Cards and the Mets....but I am not sure about the Dodgers.  They seem to be peaking and they may have the better overall pitching.
     Anyway, the Sox just seemed to fizzle.  I thought they had a pretty good team, but teams on paper don't count for diddly.
     It's an exciting time to be a Cub fan.  I have been to 7 games this season, with a 2-5 mark, and hope to catch a couple of more games before the gales of November come early.
     As Mr. C says, "Go Cubs!  Go."
     I also predicted the Hawks would win the Cup.  They did.
    But the Bulls fell flat in the playoffs and it looks like the Bears went into hibernation early this year.  When was the last time they started 0-3?
     I had hoped to see a pennant in my get the kids exposed to winning this year, add a third quality starter, and win it all in 2016!
     A World Series in Chicago?  It is going to happen, this year or next.

Monday, September 21, 2015

sit, uboo, sit

I had a scary biking experience today

     I ride on familiar routes.
     I had never seen the dogs before.  4 what looked like Doberman pinschers, standing under a shade tree, watching me as I approached.
     My sunglasses were a little blurry, but the outline of the dogs was clear.  It was amazing how they stood, silently, as I approached.
     I waited for them to charge.....but as I neared them, and took off my sunglasses, I noticed they were lawn statues of deer!
     Really!!  It freaked the heck out of me.
     I had never seen dogs at this particular house, but sometimes I don't always pay attention.  I had never seen the deer ornaments before.
     I am the product of a vivid imagination.
     I see things that are not there, and hear things that are not real.  My mind is a jumble of thoughts all involving mayhem, murder, conspiracy, destruction, chaos and a Trump presidency.
     I am always convinced the train, or elevator, or sidewalk, or bridge is going to collapse with me on it.  I live in a state of constant fear for things irrational to most people.
     I have been this way my entire life.
     My eyesight isn't as sharp as it once was, so normal objects appear threatening at times.
     I am a walking advertisement for stricter control of firearms......I would have blasted those lawn statues today if I was armed.
     After the ride, it was a pretty good day.
     We had company and lasagna.  It's always a good Monday when you have lasagna.
     And wine.
     I think I am getting narcoleptic....or just tired.  So I better get to bed before the meteorite hits.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

chick, chick, chicken

We had a new chicken experience today

    We drove down to White Fence Farm in Romeoville.
    John, Kathy, John, Emily, Camryn, Jackie and I hit the road for a meal at this Illinois landmark.
Seriously.  The Farm has been around for almost 100 years, with its current owners dating from the early 1950s.
    The place must seat 1,000 people.  There are different dining rooms and the building also seems to double as a museum with all sorts of stuff inside.
    Of course, the main menu is chicken.  All the adults ordered the chicken, which is served family style with sides like mac and cheese, fries, or potatoes and gravy.  They also serve relish dishes.  I had the beets, which were chewy; the coleslaw, which was tangy; and the kidney beans in a creamy coating; which were delicious.  But the best was the little fritters they provided.
    And yes, Linda.  The place is owned by the family of Cong. Denny, former speaker of the house.  We did not see him there.
    Good time eating and visiting and shopping.  Shopping, you might ask?
    Yes.  We went to a store called The Dump which was north of the place about a 15 minute drive.
    Besides the cars in front of us almost getting creamed by someone running a red light, it was a pretty uneventful day.
    Jackie picked out two rugs.  I paid.
    We got in the car and I realized something.
    This was the shopping center I stopped in last spring when I got lost going to The Container Store in Oakbrook!  A place I had never been too, and didn't know where it was, and there I was again!
    The advantage was I knew how to get back on 88.
    After all, I'd been down that road before!

    Maybe some pictures.

Even the rug had a chicken theme

 Would not be a tourist spot without a tourist thingy!

Not that is a chicken!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

another formality to follow

I don't like to text

    First off, my fingers are too big for the keys.  Yes, I can turn my phone sideways, but I still have a problem hitting the right keys.  I have a problem on a full size computer too, so that is no surprise.
     Also, texting is too immediate.   People feel like they have to answer a text right away.
     I tend to let it mellow and breath, like a good wine.  Then when I am free, I will read the text and answer, if necessary.
     Point:  If you want an immediate answer, texting me may not be the best option.
     Almost last of all, you can't really get a person's emotions by reading a  text.  Maybe the ! at the end of a sentence is anger.  Or wonderment.  Or awe.  A text doesn't always convey the emotion.
     Finally:    Sometimes you don't know who it came from.  Like the text I sent to a guy on Friday, explaining I was sorry I missed his call, was on my way to a Cub game and would call him Saturday.       He replied:  Great.  Who is this?
     I forgot he did not know my cell phone number, only my home number.
     However, I also have a cell phone problem.  I pocket dialed the house twice today.  I also did not answer 5 calls, including one made by mistake when the person was clearing old phone calls.  I don't know how I missed the calls; my phone was on and I had it with me, strangely enough.
     I guess I am like that guy who saw the first sheet of paper and said he preferred writing on stone.  Change comes hard to us Luddites.  (Google it if you must).
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my rooster.
     After all, I have to get up early tomorrow.

Friday, September 18, 2015

the end is near

I saw my final Cub game of the year.  Maybe.

     Love to beat the Cardinals.  Love it when Castro has a great day.  Love sitting in the stands and watching the people.
     It's hard to believe that the season has almost ended.  I was lucky to see 7 Cubs games this year, but the 2-5 record does not tell the story.
     Early in the season this team looked terrible.  Now they look like winners.
     I am glad I was able to see them in person.....and I hope I can still get a game or two in!
     Maybe the key is Mr. C in Rockford.......
Go Cubs Go!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

rain, rain, go away

I have a Cub game tomorrow

     When I tell someone that, they say:  "It's going to rain."
     Baloney!  It will be a beautiful day at the park.  Cubs will win tomorrow, if the starter can make it through the first inning without a home run.
     After all, Mr. Cub made his debut on this date 60 years ago.  They have to win for him.
     Called my brother today.
     When his wife answered, I said gruffly, "Hey, what do you want?"
     "What do you mean what do I want?" she answered.
     "Well, you called me."
     "I didn't call you," she said.
     "Well, your husband did.  Let me talk to him."
     "Ummmm, I don't have a husband."
     "Isn't this Ruth?" I asked.
     "No, it is not." She confirmed my dreaded thought.
      So I apologized, looked up the number, and redialed.  This time I got him.
     Which shows that in addition to not visually  recognizing people, I have sunk to not even recognizing their voices!
     I know numbers for some people.  I know the park district, John, my brother, Bart and Laurie, Steve and Jane, Tilton School, my barber, the hospital.....I have them ingrained in my head and never look them up.
      I admit, I have left some weird messages with strangers, but they have never called me back to complain.
     Well, actually some guy in Baton Rouge, LA, called me once and said I left a message for a bed and breakfast in Iowa on his phone in Louisiana.  I must have mis-dialed the area code on that one.  It was nice to talk to a Cajun, however.
     We get several calls a year for an RV storage place that has almost the same number as mine.  I will direct them to the correct number, but if they leave a message, I will return the call or just call the RV place and relay the message.
     Now for the delicate news.
     I have a doctor's appointment next week to discuss a procedure I will have to have done this fall.  It involves a garden hose and 16  mm. camera rammed  into an opening not designed for insertions, but evacuations.
     I am not looking forward to this.
     And that is all I will say about that!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

what a powerful day

I have a new power washer

     I bought it at a big box store at a great price....$99.
     It was kind of an impulse buy....I saw it on sale for $40 off, so I bought it.
     I went to register the product today...on line... and here it said model number, a drop down menu appeared.  I looked, but could not find my model number...which is 150 blah blah blah.  I found a 130 blah blah blah so I registered as that and called customer service.
     It was the longest intro.  They gave directions in English, French and Spanish!  French!!  I guess the company does a lot of business in Canada, and Mexico, and parts in between.
     Anyway, the nice lady I talked to said that was ok, as long as the serial number was correct...which it was.
     Why am I using so many....?
     I have read the directions twice.  I have run across the phrase:  "Do not store power washer in freezing temperatures as the unit will freeze and not work."
     Deja vu, all over again.
     My last power washer sat in the garage all winter, despite the warnings about leaving it in a garage that was unheated. I have learned my lesson!
     As soon as it gets cool, I am putting that puppy in the basement.
     As I was power washing my lawn mower and some patio furniture, the thought hit me.
     Why the hell do I need a power washer?
     I am afraid to use it on the cars and I can't use it on the siding.
     I can, however, wash my patio in the spring and clean my mower every time I use it.
     So I guess I am a happy person, somewhat.
    And I admit, a Cub win and a couple of glasses of Swiss red have put me in a mellower state of mind.
     So tomorrow I will look for things to power wash.
     World, beware.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

the fun is gone

I am beginning to hate the Internet

     Ok, maybe not all of it.
     But there is a growing area I am really getting tired of.  ( area of content of which I am getting tired....for all you never use a preposition at the end of a sentence people.  By the way, preposition is spelling almost like proposition.)
     You've seen those "15 great Restaurant Signs" or "10 Do it Yourself Projects Gone Bad" posts.    They show 10  or 15 pictures of usually funny things.
     Lately I have noticed it just isn't enough to post the picture....someone has to state the obvious or put a joke on it to make it funnier when all it really does is make me feel stupid because somebody has to explain what is happening to me since I am so dumb.
      Example.  Picture of a guy on a ladder on a chair hanging a picture.  Caption:  "This man using a chair to make his ladder longer is looking for a fall."
     I know that.  I was laughing at the idiot until another idiot had to caption the picture.
     Brainjet is the worst.  I won't even look at their posts anymore.  They usually take two or three screens to explain or show why the picture is funny while adding their own comments to make it even funnier.
     Just show the damn picture.
     We don't have to know what the people at Walmart were thinking when they dressed like that....we already know.   And to be honest, I don't care what they were thinking.   Just show the picture.  No comments. No added insight.  Just the picture.
     On another note, the wasps are gone thanks to the X man.  You know who he is.
     He came and sprayed the nest on the eaves under the east side of the house then pointed out an even bigger nest on the back side that was very active.   When the spray hit that nest, dozens of yellow jackets came out.
     He said the spray has a residue that kills for a long any wasp not in the nest will come back and get it on their feet and be a goner.
     I understand insects have a place in our world, although I haven't found a good reason for wasps.
     Altogether he sprayed 7 nests......most of which I never noticed.
     Now I'll probably have dreams of giant wasps invading my house seeking revenge.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Alice just went down the rabbit hole

I filled in a hole in my back yard

     I had seen this hole throughout the summer.  It seemed to get bigger and bigger.  There was no dirt around it, so I did not think it was an animal.
     Now that is contrary to my thoughts about the hole by the hickory tree and the hole under my raised garden.....definitely animal holes.
     I was moving sand from my dirt pile.  I was putting it in 5 gallon plastic buckets and then driving to Emily's house and dumping it an area that will be stripped of tornado debris filled soil.
     Problem is, I only have two buckets and a little plastic tub.  I can't lift a lot of weight, so that was an ideal amount.  It takes a long time to move sand when you are using two 5 gallon plastic buckets.    Take my word for it.
     Any way, I have all this sand and all these rocks and I think:  Why not fill the hole?
     So I take a bucket with 10 baseball sized rocks and wander over to the hole.  I drop the first one in and it seems to go a long way before I hear a clunk.  So I drop in a second.  And a third.  After I dropped the 10th one in, I went back for more rocks.  I dropped in 15 rocks or so.
     I took a half bucket of sand and poured it in.  It just went down.
     I got another half bucket.  Poured it in.  Down it went.
     I ended up with six half buckets before the hole was full.
     Now I am worried.
     I assume the clunk I heard was the septic tile.
     (Digression and lesson.   In the country, we don't often have sewer systems.  We have septic fields.  The crap leaves the house, goes into a big tank, then eventually leaches out into the septic field....a series of perforated pipes about 12 inches underground.  The home juices filter through the tile and percolate downward.  If all works right, life is golden.  If a field fails, it is a pretty expensive proposition to install a new one.)
     I hope the sand doesn't do anything bad to the septic tile.  I hope the tile wasn't damaged by the rocks.  I hope I don't walk out into a wet backyard one day.  I hope I don't regret my filling of the hole.
     But then again, having the hole there could have been a problem in itself so maybe I am worried about nothing.
     Which is my normal state.
     All that loading and lifting has made me one tired puppy tonight.....hopefully I will sleep the night away.
     Because tomorrow I need to finish the job of moving the dirt and sand pile.
     Two buckets at a time.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

I can't believe I ate the whole thing

I went to 30 Men Who Cook last night

     If you are not familiar with the event, 30 (or so) chefs (not all men) prepare their best food. Patrons pay to go in and sample, with best entries picked for appetizer,  entree, dessert and table decorations.
     I have never seen so much bacon in one room.  There might be a shortage in local stores this week until they get a chance to stock up.
     There were bacon wrapped potato nuggets, bacon wrapped fruit, donuts with maple syrup and bacon, a cheeseburger with bacon, peanut butter ,and get the idea.
      I actually liked the PB & J cheeseburger with bacon...hit all my food groups in one bite.
     You just get a sampling, but if you have 30 samplings, it is a lot of food.
     The proceeds go to  a worthy cause...the foundation at Rochelle Township High School.  The money is used to but extras, like cameras, computers, books, that the district can not cover in the budget.
     I saw lots of people I knew, including Renee, Wendy and their group.  I did not talk to them for long, because I was busy eating.  Plus, I have a hard time hearing in crowds, so I tend to keep to myself in a large room.
     A few years ago Dan, Ross and I were chefs.  We did that for two years, making what we felt were prize winning dishes.  We didn't win.  I had planned to cook with John this year, but somehow never got around to finding out who to contact.  You would think they would automatically ask people who have cooked in previous years....but I guess not.
     I didn't see the firemen this year either, which was sad because they always have an interesting presentation.  No Marv and Steve either.
     But it was a good time.
     It was announced that next year's event will include a change in venue.  Huh.  Not sure what that means.  I just hope the food is as good, and unusual, as it was this year.
     And just in case, I am keeping an eye out for an award winning recipe.
     And it won't involve bacon.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

that makes no sense

I may be measurement impaired

    When I ride my bike to the end of Shagbark Lane and back, I go about one mile.  The mile actually clicks just before the driveway.
    When I drive around the subdivision, I go about 2.2 miles, according to my trusty odometer and its trip meter.
    So today, I rode a different way.  I went up Skare to Fowler.  Then down Fowler to Emily's road, then up Emily's road.  It was 1.1 miles to Emily's house.
    That doesn't seem right.  Riding to the end of my street and back is the same as riding to Emily"s?
    Then I measured 2.2 miles.  I circled her subdivision and then went east on Fowler.  I was at Center Road when I hit 2.2 miles.
    So, to recap:  Riding a loop around my subdivision is about the same as riding from my house to Center Road.
    Two loops around my subdivision brings me to Kyte Road and Westwood subdivision.
    In other words, I rode 4.4 miles on country roads, with traffic flying past at lord knows how many miles an hour, and it was the same as riding around my subdivision on quiet, barely travelled roads two times?  Plus I could take a bathroom break if I needed one!
    Not that I ever need one when riding.
    That was an eye opener!
    Next ride out here will be around my subdivision, over to Childer's Acres, back to my subdivision, around it again, then into the house for coffee.
    It may not be as scenic, but it is much safer!
    The other weird thing.  I can leave my house go around the subdivision, ride to Childer's Acres and return.....and it is almost the same as riding the bike path in town.
    I guess when you straighten out roads, they are a lot farther than you think.
    I don't want to think about other measurements I have been wrong about.
    So I will go go bed now.

Friday, September 11, 2015

that was close

I had a car issue today

     I was motoring along on IL 38 near the Presbyterian Church when I felt a bang underneath my car, and then heard the sound of metal scraping.
     It scared the bejeebees out of me!
     I pulled over onto Calvin Road by the church and got out to look.
     There was a metal rod hanging from my car and dragging along the road.  I tried to pull it out, but could not.
     I have a I called Krahenbuhl's and told them what happened.
     Withing minutes Ed and Roger pulled up and inspected the car.  Roger used a pliers to pull a metal rod out from the underside of the  car!

     Evidently I hit the rod and it flipped up and embedded itself in some paneling under the car.  Using the pliers, he pulled it right out....something I was afraid to do.
     I kept hoping my plus 8 pounds did not break the frame, causing the problem....but the metal was not from my car at all.
     That sucker could have caused some serious damage!  What if it flipped and went the other direction and pierced a car windshield?
     I honestly did not see that coming.  Or laying there either.
     Anyway, a couple of other pictures of no cultural value.

      This grasshopper was flying and not using its wings!  Or it was on my window, I don't remember.

     I just liked the colors.
     By the way.....I don't think my I Phone takes very good pictures.  I much prefer a real camera.
     That's it!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

what have I done? Again!!

I seem to have volunteered, again

     As you may know, I am on the Flagg Township Historical Society Board.  I sat on it as the park district rep, when my park board term ended I just stayed on the board.
     There are two events coming up:  A DAR program Oct. 4 and the first ever fund raising dinner for the museum Oct. 24.  I am presenting the programs for both.
     Well, sort of.  The DAR program is a history of Rochelle.  The museum dinner is an entertaining history of Rochelle.
     Several years ago VCCT did a history of Rochelle during the Heritage Festival.  If I had a copy of that script, it would make life very easy for me.
     But that was three computers ago and I can't find it.
     Anyway, the October dinner program should be should be about 20 minutes.  I think.  I hate to do that by myself, so if anyone is interested in helping out, please let me know.  They did say it should be entertaining.  Think funny.
    Yes, that is the weekend of a VCCT show....but I am not in that show.  And if you are not in the show, then consider helping me out with a fractured history of Rochelle.
     That about sums it up.  Except this is going to cut into my spider solitaire time because I do have to do a little preparation.
     Next time I am at a meeting, I am going to sit on my hands.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

doctor, doctor gimme the news

I had my quarterly doctor visit today

    I used to see Kent and he would ask me, "Hey Terry.  What's up?"
    I would laugh and say ,"My weight, my blood pressure and my credit card debt."
    Then we would laugh.
    I have gained 8 pounds this year.  I am officially obese.  (Beth, write your own punchline here.  Don't send it to me.)
    Not only that, my BP was up considerably.
   Of course, the salt, fried foods, white chocolate mochas, Swiss chocolate and second helpings of almost everything are a contributing factor.  As are the carbs I eat and my general aversion to exercise and self control.
    (Funny, maybe true, story:  Friend Steve taught at middle school.  One day a girl was sitting in class combing her hair.  He tolerated it a few minutes, then said, " you have an aversion to class?"  She looked at him and said, "I ain't no virgin."  I think it's funny, although sad.  My mom warned me about girls like that but despite my efforts, I never found them when I was a teen.)
    Heart attack and stroke...two top killers of men over 50 and what am I doing?  Courting both by my lifestyle choices.
    I think I need to take my body seriously.
    I had salad tonight, and for a night snack I had an apple.
    I know there is no magic pill, or mantra I can chant.
    I also know, I have to do something.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

what am I doing up here?

I don't like ladders

    Doesn't matter how high, I don't like ladders.  A small step stool is ok, but not ladders.
I was remembering that last week when I was climbing up into the attic with an electrician friend.            That's how we found out one of my attic fans was dead.
    So I e-mailed the builder, who said it was covered by a 5 year guarantee.  All I needed to do was get the serial number.
    So I got my step ladder out, opened it up and pushed the scuttle entry out of the way.  Then I got my extension ladder and raised it so I could get into the attic without standing on the top rung of the regular ladder.
    Now, I don't see as well as I used to.
    I am in the attic with a flash light and hand magnifying  lens and nothing to hold onto with.  I always fear I will fall through the ceiling, like they do in comedies or like the time my father put his foot through the ceiling when I was a kid.
    Yes, it is funny, but a pain in the neck to repair.
    I yelled the serial numbers down to Jackie, who dutifully wrote them down.  But I don't know if they are correct.  Was that a B or an 8?  5 or C?  Time will tell.
    I got down, put away the extension ladder, moved the step ladder, put the scuttle opening back in place and put away the ladder.
    I took the information to ABC building supplies and Dave says to me, "The serial number is great and I need that.  But I also need the date the motor was made."
    So I go back home and repeat the process of climbing into the attic.
    This marks the third time in a week I have been in the attic.  Thank heavens there are no spiders or creepy things there. (Besides me)
    Then I figured, I have the step ladder out, might as well move the fly strip I hung in the garage that smacks everybody in the face.  Well, not Jackie because she it to just brushes the top of her head.  Now it is catching flies, not people.
    All I have to do is wait for the replacement fan.
    I just hope I don't have to go into the attic again.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Oh brother, can you spare a dime

I must be flippin' rich

     I have to be.  Nothing else explains my terrible spending habits.
     Coupons.  I went to the grocery store and spent a lot of money.  Jackie gave me coupons every time we picked out a product.  50 cents off.  Buy one, get one.  A whole bunch of coupons.
     I held them in my hand as I approached the check out counter.
    Then I put them in my pocket ..... and found them when I got home.
     I take an eye vitamin.  Every time I buy them, I get a $5 off coupon in the box.  And every time I open the box I realize I did not use my $5 off coupon when I bought them.
     I now have a six month supply....all purchased without once using a damn coupon.
     I found the hummingbird food I bought last spring because I was going to put up my hummingbird feeder.  Well, that seems to be a waste of time now!  Why did I buy it if I wasn't going to use it?  Not a rhetorical question.  I actually planned on using it.  I just didn't.
     I just hope the suet cakes I bought when we lived on Skare Court are still good, because i am putting them out this year!
     Hollyhock seeds?  They'll be good next year.
     5 composition notebooks?  Who can pass up composition notebooks for 50 cents each?
     The Dremel tool kit I had to have?  Emily is the only person that uses it.  Thank heavens I borrowed it back before the tornado.  But I never used it!
     In other ways I am cheap.  I do the Sunday Tribune crosswords using a mechanical pencil I had when I was teaching.  I retired 8 years ago!  I still use the pencil because I still have lead for it and I don't want to wast the 79 cent package of lead!  OK, the pencil is falling apart and is hard to grip because the gripper is deteriorating.....but I have the lead!
     It gets worse. Every year it gets worse.
     About the only thing I buy that I am sure to use is wine....and I have about 20 bottles of that in the basement.  Oh, chocolate.  I always find a use for chocolate.
     Like right now.  I just finished a Swiss rose....and I think I'll go open a candy bar.  I do try to limit myself to one full bar a week.....but that usually means eating it on Monday and Tuesday and waiting until the next Monday for more.
     At least they don't go to waste.  Well, come to think of it.......they do go to waist!
     Of course, you already knew that!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

eeny, meeny, minee, moe

I have a couple of important decisions to make

    First off, I need to buy a door bell.
    A wireless doorbell.
    This door bell has to be big enough to fit over the space created by my original doorbell, the one we can't seem to locate the transformer for in order to change it so it works.
    Normally the transformer is located near the circuit box....but for some reason, mine isn't there.  It may be located in the ceiling above where the futon is in the basement.  We had that ceiling drywalled  during construction and I never knew to look up there to see what was being covered up.      Now I know.
    My second decision concerns travel.  My dear wife gave me some options, but I can only pick one.     Trouble is, I want both. Actually, there are about 4 I want, but I don't think we can afford more than two.  If that.
    Anyway, I have to save my pennies and nickles for that playoff game ticket that will be available.
    But first things first:  a wireless door bell.
    If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, I am willing to listen.
    Until then, knock loudly if you stop by.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

good bye, farewell....

I had forgotten the third wasp story

     We had people over tonight.  Emily, John and Camryn came, along with Kevin, Jen, Samantha I, Sandy, Samantha II, and Chris.
     It was  a bittersweet night.  One birthday, one going away.  Good food always makes the night go better.
     We were talking about this blog and Emily mentioned the third wasp story.  Honestly, I had almost forgotten that one....finally.
     When we were teaching we did not have a lot of extra money around for vacations.  My brother had a cabin in Wisconsin and offered to let us spend a few days up there during the week.
     We happily agreed and headed for the great north woods, at least the area north of the Dells.
     This was a log cabin.  A genuine log cabin, and it was pretty neat.
     We went into the house and I saw a couple of wasps on the window.  I grabbed the wasp spray that was on the counter and got them.  Then I saw a couple more.  Got them.  We killed 17 yellow jackets in the house and ran out of bug spray.
     We piled in the car and drove to town and bought more.
     Going back into the house, I killed more.  And more.
     They seemed to be everywhere.
     I saw some on the pull chain for the lamp, and went up the stairs to spray.
     Before I could get off a shot, one of those buzzy little guys landed on my manhood.  I did not know what to do.
     "Swat him!"  yelled Jackie.
     "If I hit him hard enough to kill him I'll never walk again!" I yelled back.
     "Spray him," yelled the girls.
     "I can't move!  What if he stings?'
    My fear was being stung in the penis by an angry hornet and having to go to an emergency room to get the swelling down. THAT would have been embarrassing.
     After about 3 hours (time does not fly with a yellow jacket nesting on your penis) the guy flew off.
     I  said,  "We are getting out of here.  This is not worth it."
     So we left but eventually we had to go back.  Our stuff was still there.
     We went back in and sure enough, more wasps.
     We had gone through four cans of spray by now.  Dead yellow jackets littered the floor.
     I went up into the loft and laid down on the bed.  A wasp buzzed my head.  Then another.
     I looked at the wall and the yellow jackets were crawling through the space between the logs!
     I called my brother, frantic, and he just laughed.  He told me to find the oakum in the kitchen and just push it into the hole.  That would seal it and keep out the yellow jackets, who had a huge nest under the eaves on the outside of that wall.
     The oakum worked.  I killed the ones that were in the house and we spent the next two days enjoying Wisconsin.
     But I wonder how my life would have been had  been stung.
     I know somewhere some nurses would still be laughing about it.

Friday, September 4, 2015

old friends......

I'm going to miss a woman named Donna

     She was a volunteer at BZ, just like me.  A Friday regular.
     She "retired" today after 40 years as a volunteer.
     40 years!
     She volunteered for longer than most people work!  If I was to volunteer for 40 years, I would have to be 100......fat chance of that happening!
    Anyway, is was sad to see her go.
    On the upside, we had pizza from a place call Pisano's in Brookfield.  Really tasty stuff.
    And tonight I had some pizza from in town  and a little Swiss rose with friend Sherri...the first time we have gotten together in months.  All of that was good also.
     It's funny how time flies .... and yet seems to stand still at the same time.
     The rose is making me tired......that plus the lack of sleep last night.  I guess coffee in the afternoon and iced tea at supper is not a good idea when caffeine is known to keep one awake!
    Sweet dreams....and happy Labor Day weekend.
    And hey, let's be careful out there.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

the wasp story...part two

When I was young, I took things literally

    If I was told, be sure the doors are closed tight, I did that.
    Aunty Kay and Uncle Jim had two cottages on Dewey Lake near Dowagiac Michigan.  From as early as I can remember, my family went there for two or three weeks every summer.
    I loved it.  Still do.  Nice sandy beach, quiet lake, great cottage neighbors.  I have not been there in years.
    My family stayed in one cottage while Kay and Jim occupied the other.  The cottage we stayed in was basically a square with a wrap around porch that covered the front and half the side facing Jim and Kay's cottage.
    I must have been about 8.  Maybe 9.
    I think my brother Denny was involved, but time has dulled the memory a little bit.  It could have been Carl, but I am pretty sure it was Denny.
   The conversation went something like this.
  Brother:  "You see that hornet's nest hanging from the roof at Uncle Jim's?"
  Me:  "It's huge.  Uncle Jim said stay away from it, he was going to knock it down this weekend and burn it."
  Brother.  "That's a long way off.  We could get stung.  I"m going to knock it down."
  Me.  "You'll get stung.  Don't do it."
  Brother.  "I'll be fine.  I'll use a broom, knock it down, then run inside.  Just make sure all the doors are shut tight."
    Now I did not think this was a great plan, but it was a plan.
    So I obeyed.  Then I sat on the screened porch and watched.
    He carefully approached the nest.  He may have had an oar in his hand, but it could have been a broom.  Both brothers were teens at this time, so naturally their thinking was a bit cloudy.
    With a giant swing, he hit the nest like a pinata then took off running for the back door.  
    Which I had dutifully shut tight.
    And locked.
   "What the hell?"  I heard as I watched him tugging futilely on the door.  "Who locked the damn door?"  The hornets were swarming in the air around the pinata, which had rolled in the middle of the cottages.
    Since I was the only person there, it was a question that didn't need answering, but I did anyway.
"I did," I yelled and raced toward the back door.
    When I got there, no one was there.
    But there was a yelling from the front door.
    "Who locked the damn door?  Let me in!"
    So I raced back to the front door and let him in.
    He was pretty red and pretty sweaty.  He may have had a welt or two....I don't remember.
    But I do remember one brother being really mad at me for a couple of days.
    It was about that time I learned the expression mad as a hornet can also apply to people.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Grass can be dangerous

I am flummoxed by the wasp

     I am talking about Freddie, the cicada killer that has taken up residence along side my driveway.
     Wikipedia said it is a solitary wasp, living alone.  (Yes, I realize that is redundant, but I want to be sure I understand how it lives.)  One article called it beneficial;  generally passive unless provoked or threatened.
   So, is mowing going to provoke it?  When I go over the entry hole, will it get really pissed and come after me?
    I have three possible actions I can take:
1.  Ignore it.  Winter will be here soon and it will die naturally.
2.  Hire someone to mow the lawn.
3.  Attempt to kill it.

     I know, I should deal with it.  But I hate to kill an insect that is beneficial, even though it is as big as a small Cessna and seems to buzz me quite frequently.
     Adding to my bug problem, yellow jackets have taken up residence in a post on the porch.  There is a quarter inch gap, and they have nested in there.
     I did spray that spot twice tonight.  Hopefully, that nest will be gone.
     Two years ago I thought it would be a good idea to put some trim pieces over the openings.....that is now going on my project list for this fall.
     But a bigger problem is the softball size nest up in the eave on my east side.  The nest is waaaay up there, and I don't think my 20 ft. spray will reach it, even standing on a ladder on uneven ground in the dark with a flashlight in one hand and wasp spray in the other, leaving me nothing to hang on with.
     As you can tell, I am paranoid about wasps.  I don't like them.  Yellow jackets, hornets, mud daubers....all of them give me the chills.
     Notice I said wasps.  Bees are not wasps.  Bees are hairy and produce the fruit and vegetables we enjoy.  Bees also produce honey.  I like honey.  So, I like bees and try not to hurt them.
     I have nightmares about being attacked by swarms of wasps and getting hundreds of stings.
     Which is why I won't go to Texas or any state with killer bees and presidential candidates as governor.
     Take that, Wisconsin.
     Once a student brought in a paper wasp nest to class.  I had fears I would walk into the room one morning and be attacked by 1 billion wasps living inside and just waiting until they had me alone.
     I have a funny story about wasp nests and a brother...but I will save that for another day.
    Now I am off to dreamland, hopefully a place without stingers of any kind.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

holy cow

I really want to thank you

     Today my blog passed the 29,000 views mark!
     Holy cow!!  That means a lot of you don't have lives and you do have far too much time on your hands!
     Seriously, thank you for reading and putting up with me.
     You may remember, I started this Jan. 1, 2014 as a resolution to complete tasks and stick to a project.  It was supposed to be a one year thing, but I can't seem to stop.
     When I don't post, I feel guilty.....not guilty enough to get out of bed, but guilty enough to think about it.
     If you like the blog, tell your friends.  Feel free to share.  The more the merrier.
     Anyway, driveway is finished.  I watered three times today.  I plan to keep it moist.
     Thrilling Cubs win tonight, long day of shopping, up early to finish the raking and seeding...  so now I am ready for bed.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes!