Sunday, June 14, 2015

rain, rain.........

I hope I can work in the yard tomorrow!

     We have had 3 inches of least.  I had 1 1/4 and 1 3/4 in my rain gauge on Saturday and Sunday.  If my addition of fractions is correct, that is 3.
     I went to a store that sells wood to buy the frames for my raised garden.  I bought 3 8 ft. boards.  I told the guy working there I wanted one board cut in half.
     Well.... it wasn't exactly 96 inches...more like 96 1/4.  He had to measure from the saw blade to the end of the board.  He measured it twice.  Then he measured the other end.  He said they weren't even, so he measured again.
     Then he had me measure one end.  I said it was 47 and 3/4.  So he cut the board.
     The one half was an inch and a half shorter than the other.
     So I had him cut the longer one to match the shorter one. If I was doing this at home, I would have cut the shorter one and wondered what the hell happened.
     This all goes to prove that fractions give people trouble, especially when measuring.
     I am not ashamed to admit I have cut things incorrectly because I figured the fraction wrong.
     I hate being exact, so I work and live in a "ther eabout" world.  If it is close, it works for me.
     I have the wood (not a sexual reference....geez, not everything is about sex) and hopefully tomorrow I can begin the dirt filling in the garden process.
     I just hope I can move the mud, after all, we have had 3 inches of rain, or there abouts, so it could be messy.

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