Saturday, June 27, 2015

ride, ride. ride let it ride

I biked against MS today

     I took part in my second Tour de Farms today.  I had company for part of the ride, Rev. Stacy from church joined my team for today's event.
Jackies Jokers ready to ride1!

     The big news......I think we raised a little over $1,000.  We still have some donations to tabulate, but it was a successful ride!
     At my age, success is defined several ways.
     Mainly, I did not die on the road.  That is a huge success.
     I started out this year with a goal of riding 35 miles......but I did not.  I only rode 15 today.  I have not ridden more than 12 at one time this year, and I did not think tripling that was a good idea.
     However, Rev. Stacy did ride 35 miles!  I am happy she did that and very happy she wasn't even stressed at the end.  At least I don't think she was.
     The ride has several options...15, 35, 50, 75,100, 125......and there are riders at each level.  Of course the 125 milers are younger and slimmer than me, which is probably due to the fact they actually ride their bikes instead of talk about it.  At least the slim part.  I did run into one man my age who was doing his first 50........
      But today was not a competition.  It was all about raising money to find a cure for MS.
     Tour de Farms is a huge event.  There were hundreds of bikers and hundreds of supporters.  It takes work to complete at any distance, but the organizers have rest stops about every 10 miles so people like me can juice up and rest up.
     Next year the event is the last weekend in June.  I will be looking for people to ride with me.  Rev. Stacy said she would ride again, and it would be great if about 20 other people joined us.
     Each rider is expected to raise $300, so if you do join us, start recruiting sponsors early!
     And if you have not donated and are kicking yourself because you forgot, you can go to Bike MS, look for the Tour de Farms event in DeKalb and find the Jackies Jokers team.  Note:  NO APOSTROPHE!!  Donations will be accepted until late September.
     Biking With Beanzie is in about 3 weeks....that has a 25 mile segment.  I may be ready for that!
     Anyone interested in riding with me?
     That happens to be on a Sunday, and Rev. Stacy has other plans.

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