Wednesday, June 3, 2015

life is weird

I had a full day today

     I had to get an oil change.  So I loaded my bike on my car and took a little ride while they worked on the car.
     I go to a dealer on Riverside at Perryville in Rockford.  The path to Rock Cut is right there, so I decided it would be a nice ride.
     What happened to me?
     I could not get up the hill going into the park.  That has never happened before.  I had to stop and rest a couple of times on the equestrian access road, which I am not sure is even a bike path.  Are bikes authorized vehicles?
     I had to work like crazy to get to the concession stand by the lake....another uphill ride.
     Let me clarify uphill:  the road is not flat.  It does not matter that it was a relatively minor hill, I struggled to get up it.
     Was it the wind?  Am I out of shape?  Am I not into riding a lot this year?  Am I getting too old for this stuff?  Yes, to all of the prior questions.
     Then I went grocery shopping.
     Nothing like strolling through a store with your zipper down.  No wonder women were grabbing their kids and hiding them from my sight.  Would it have hurt someone to say, "Hey, mister, XYZ"  I would have appreciated it.
    (On the plus side, three octogenarians gave me their phone numbers.  OK, one was a man, but hey.)
     Our doorbell stopped working after the storm.  So I went to the place in Belvidere where we bought it, and bought another.
     After buying it, the man asked if I had checked the buttons.  I said one day they worked, next day they didn't work so I didn't think it would be the button.
     Wrong-o, AC/DC breath.  One button could have a short, which prevents the other button from working.
     I did not know that.
     I also did not know that doorbells have transformers, in the basement, and if the transformer goes out, the doorbell doesn't work.
     My plan was buy a new thingy and hang it.  Guess it is not so simple.
     I guess I have to call someone.
     I just hope when they come, they don't ring the bell and leave.

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