Friday, June 12, 2015

let's play 2 today

I am the Wrigley jinx

     I admit it..... it's my fault.
     I have followed the Cubs since I was born....and they haven't won a World Series game ever in my lifetime.
     Ok, maybe a lack of talent has been a major factor..... but maybe it's me.
     We had our second Cub game today.
     It was beautiful at Wrigley!  Sun shining, temps in the lower 70s, soft summer breeze blowing gently to the power alley in right.
     A  typical June 12 day in Illinois.
     Maybe it was the ball yard lights and not the sun, maybe it was a cold breeze off the lake that carried a rather heavy mist on us during the first three innings of play and then brought a little fog onto the field in the sixth inning which made it hard to follow the ball.  And maybe the game time temp was somewhere in the 20 below range, but we were at the ball park!
     I even made a new friend!!

      Clark really liked my belly.  He made three wishes while rubbing it, but none of them came true.  Clark did not find pants that fit, the Cubs did not deliver in the clutch, and the sun did not make it a beautiful day.
     And yes, that is a nice sweatshirt, thank you very much.  I nice sweatshirt like that could cost $25 or $30 in a store, but at the ball park it was an unbelievable steal for only $49!
      Yes, dear.  I should have taken one of the 7 sweatshirts I have hanging in the closet that are already paid for.  You were right.
     No dear, I did not break the zipper on my coat, rendering it useless as a protective device, just to buy a new sweatshirt.
     This is what happens to me.  I put out my lip balm to take with, and don't take it.  As soon as I realize that I don't have it, my lips hurt.  So I stop at a 7-11 by the park to buy a 99 cent Carmex, which is priced at a reasonable $2.99 just so my lips will stop hurting even though they were never hurting until I remembered I forgot the stuff to keep them from hurting.
     Did I mention it was damn cold, rainy, misty, cold, and the Cubs could not score a runner from second base again!
     Cubs lose.   5-4.
     But it was still a great day.....the smell of the park, the Smokie Link, good friends, and a shower.
      If Ernie were here, we'd be playing two.
     And I'd need another sweatshirt, cause it was cold!


  1. We also forgot our sweatshirts when going to a game at Cellular Field on Wednesday night. The boys and I have gorgeous new sweatshirts that I'm pretty sure must be lined with gold. Mine is so nice (based on the price tag), that I might just have to wear it to church one Sunday.

  2. Also, forgot to mention, we purchased the sweatshirts on the night we had "free" tickets from the Kid's Club. Nothing's ever free! they get you coming and going in Chicago!
