Thursday, June 18, 2015

boiling is 212?

I am pretty ticked right now

    The same telemarketing group has called twice within the past hour.  It is after 10:30 and this idiot is calling me about windows?
     I used a name I should not have used after asking for his supervisor.  He kept saying no, no, and I called him a word that is a part of every one's anatomy and is vital to the waste elimination process.
     Now I am not proud of the fact that I called this person that, but holy cow, it is late!
     Last week someone called and asked for me and I told them I was dead.  They said they were very sorry and would not call me again.
     Julia gets calls from the Democratic party.....they don't seem to get the message that she lives out of country.
     And today Comcast called with some great new offers.  I told the guy I was so pissed at Comcast I was thinking of putting up an antenna and cancelling cable.  I don't think that one will call again!
     I should learn not to answer a number I don't recognize...but it is a reflex.  Phone rings, I pick up.
     Carl Haissen (maybe spelled right) wrote a novel about a man harassed by a call center.  He tracked them down, drove across country,  and terrorized them.  It was a pretty funny book, but I can't remember the name of it.
     I don't think I can afford to go to Asia, or India, or wherever some of these people are.
     I know people have to make a living.... but do they have to interfere with my privacy to do it?
     And we are on the do not call list.....doesn't seem to do much good.
     Hopefully they won't call again.........and maybe I'll win the lottery!

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