Monday, June 8, 2015

pencils have erasers

I am watch out

     Sometimes the best laid plans turn into a cluster.
     Rotary is doing the Wednesday at Cooper Park summer free lunch program.  But we have enough people to also do Thursday, and no one has to go more than twice a month.
     Unfortunately, the lunch program people did not communicate.  I told them we could staff Thursday, made up a schedule, sent it out to Rotarians, got some corrections and feedback.  All was well.
     Then I got the lunch schedule, and Thursday belongs to a local business.
     Here's where the fun begins.
     I send another e mail to the people who volunteered.  Since it is the weekend, people are responding to the first e mail, which has the Thursday schedule, and not the second, which explains why they don' t have to do anything Thursday.
     I have people scheduled for days we are not doing lunches, and no one scheduled for days we are doing lunches.......and e mails everywhere!
     For a slightly ADD person, this has been hell!!
     I don't plan well to start with.  Today I even listed places to go in order, but when things hit the fan, courtesy of a crazy dog, then plans get changed and timing gets thrown off.
     I did manage to get the chairs mailed, and I stopped at Lowe's to buy a new hose holder for outside.
     Man those puppies have gone up in price!  If it wasn't so darn messy, I'd just leave the hose coiled in the driveway.
     But our property is looking less like mess.  Every week it seems to look a little better out there.
     Now if someone would come get their trailer.......
     (And yes, some days my life goes like point to another, with nothing completed)
     I think the lunch program may still be looking for volunteers.  It is a really good opportunity to do community service.  Contact them today through their Facebook page, (Free Lunch 4 Kids Rochelle IL)  and you too can be a helper in your community.

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