Sunday, June 21, 2015

ummmm, ummm, good

I went out to dinner for Fathers' Day

     Nice meal.....newly opened steakhouse in DeKalb.
     My heart was set on the Lake Superior whitefish, but they were out of that.  So I got a steak.
     It was really nicely done.  Problem was, I had eaten so much bread, I could not finish the little hunk of aged Angus.
     So I got a take home container.
     And promptly dropped it in the parking lot.
     The steak flopped out and landed on the pavement.
     I followed the five second rule and scooped it up.  When I got home I ran hot water over it and rubbed it thoroughly.
     I will have it for supper....but I will wash it again and make sure to microwave it for several seconds to kill any germs.
     Is that gross?
     I don't think so, because it was a pretty expensive cut of cattle.  And the pavement looked clean.
With all the rain we have had, most of the dirt has been washed away.
     So I feel pretty confident that the meat won't kill me.
     At lease, I hope not.
     And I talked to Julia today, which means that this was a pretty darn good day.  Steak or no steak.

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