Wednesday, June 10, 2015

away we go.....

I am expanding my raised garden beds

     I have two beds now. One has tomatoes, beans, and cucumbers, the other has peas, carrots, green peppers and some more beans.
     My third and final, frame will be strawberries.
     We love strawberries.  But the ones we get in the store just don't have the same taste punch the ones freshly picked out of the garden have.
     Maybe it is all the work in planting, weeding, picking and pruning the berries that make them taste so good.  Maybe it's that they were picked within a day, or hour, of eating as opposed to picked a week ago and shipped on a rail car to a distribution center where they are shipped out to a grocery store.
     Those berries could spend more time on the road than a traveling window and door salesman.
     I have asked the experts about planting berries, and they all said go ahead.  Ok, they maybe were not experts, but they all had planted berries at some point.
     Tuesday and Wednesday of next week I will be working on my raised bed.  All able bodied helpers are appreciated, as I have some dirt to move.
     It should be about 110 by then.
     Several Rotarians replanted the garden in front off the library today.  We planned the project for when the heat would be at its greatest.
     But the garden area does look nice.  Drive by the library and check out the new butterfly/hummingbird garden.  It is a little wilty now, but once the plants get a couple of doses of water, they will be looking good!
     Which is more than I can say about me!  Dick Cheney, indeed.........

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