Sunday, June 7, 2015

it could be, it might be, it is!

I hit for the cycle today!

     I know, I don't play  baseball.
     Unlike Dan, I can't run after those balls anymore.
     When a player hits for the cycle, he has a single, double, triple and homer.
      Understand, I don't play baseball anymore.   Never the less, I hit the cycle today!  I covered every mistake I am prone to do.
     Went to a graduation party and called the mom by her sister's name, and called her sister by the mom's name.  I seem to have a tendency to do that.  I was positive I was right.  Jackie showed me their Facebook pages and whoops!  Reversed the names.  I am counting that as a double.
     Forgot to get something at the store....even though that is what I went to the store for.  Three days ago. Have gone twice since then and still not bought it.  Call that a single.
      Said farewell to some friends at church and got a little teary eyed.  Happens every time I say goodbye to people who (whom?) I don't expect to see again, despite our promises to keep in touch.  In one year they will just remember the old geezer at church who could not tell a weed from a plant and consistently pulled out the plants.  Call that a triple.  And I will miss them.  Good people.
     And my home run......double booked for Monday and Friday!  RSVP'd (sounds funny....especially the P'd part) for an event Friday, told the zoo people I would see them Friday June 12 because I had a Cub game June 19, got a message from Linda that my Cub game is actually June 12 and how am I going for wine if I am in Chicago?
     So, had to un-RSVP......which I now know how to do.  You can't just reply to an have to go in and change your yes to a no.  Old dogs do learn new tricks!  Wrote the zoo folks to tell them I will not be there June 12, but will be there June 19, messaged John W. to make sure I told him the right date for a mid week Cub game I am taking Jackie to, and then decided to clean the garage.
     I got part of it done and staked the trees, then cleaned up the mess on the porch, and finished wrapping the chairs to send back....but luckily I finished all of that.
     And realized I am helping with a Rotary project and attending a training session for church, both Monday, in addition to paying the taxes and returning the chairs.
     If there was another hit in store, it would be the pulled pork.  I tend to take risks with eating leftovers.   We had leftovers from my niece's graduation party last Saturday.  I may have pushed it by eating the pulled pork again today, 8 days after it was cooked.  It was still good, I hope.
Hey, that's enough for now.  I gotta go.  Really.

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