Monday, June 15, 2015

three is a charm

I am not a Hawkey fan

     But I did watch the final tonight for  the Stanley Cup.  Pretty impressive.
     Chicago fans are not used to a team winning multiple times.
     Sure, we got spoiled with MJ, Scotty, Rodman and the Bulls teams of the 90s, but that was karma.     The basketball gods smiled on Chicago with a talented bunch of players.
     Maybe the Hawks are a dynasty.  I hope they can keep the group of young players they  have, plus add a couple of  veterans to shore up any weak areas.  A dynasty would be nice.
     There was an article about Stan Mikita in the Trib today.  Mikita was a center in the Bobby Hull era and was the first player to wear a helmet.
     Mikita was a great player.  Tough scorer, great stick handler, a true gentleman of the game.
     He has developed dementia.  At age 75 he has no memory.  None.  His wife said it came on suddenly, starting last fall.  By Christmas his mind was gone.
     She did not blame hockey, saying it was a game Stan loved and it was his life.
     Reading the story, I felt sad for the family yet at the same time there was a reason to be happy.  Stan is a healthy 75 year old kid, exploring the world for the first time.  With no memory, he has no history of hurtful remarks, failures, errors, mistakes, regrets, deaths or any other bad things in life.
      His wife has accepted his situation.  She has lost her husband, but he is still alive.
     His brain will be donated to science when the time comes.  Just another contribution Stan Mikita will make to the world.
     But on this night, we celebrate the champions.  Hawks, Cubs, Sox, Bears, then Bulls......time for a clean sweep of sports titles!

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