Tuesday, June 9, 2015

it's summertime

I got my summer haircut today

     Now, my hair is usually longish.....dates back to my almost hippie days in the 60s...back when I was a roadie for the Stones and before I got married had kids and gave up the drug and sex lifestyle and shoulder length hair for a stable home life.
     My hair was getting a little long, so I got a summer cut.

     Now it seems like I don't have any hair at all!
Amazing how huge my forehead is!  And look at those age spots!  Holy crappers, Batman!
   I did figure out how to take a selfie....so I guess that is progress..
   I already feel cooler with my summer cut.  It won't take as long to comb or dry, I won't sweat as much.  And I think I look 15 years younger.
     Anyway, discovered a few other pictures I thought I would share, just because I thought I would.
Here's one from Wrigley Field at my first game of the season.  Wonder why Ronnie has a fence....

I saw this farm and just liked the way the sun was hitting it.

 I found this guy along the Perryville bike path.   I think it's a corn snake....but I am not sure.

Tonight's sunset.

That's all.....
Good night, sleep tight.

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