Thursday, June 4, 2015

double drat

I goofed again......surprise

     I bought some blue jeans at Big R.  Tried on a 38 waist, it was too big.  So I tried the 36, and it fit better.
     With my bulk, it is still a tight fit.....but the 38s fell off my not so slender body.
     I put the 38s back on the shelf, bought the 36s and went home.
     Fast forward three days and I look at the pants......38 waist.  I put the wrong ones back.
     Of course, I can't find the receipt.  Hopefully they will exchange them when I take them back.
     I have been riding my bike more.  Got 12 miles in today, had 10 miles yesterday.  My legs feel good, and I was not really tired when I was done riding today.
     Of course it is also house cleaning day, and my butt was dragging when I finally quit at 3.
     I quit to do my newspaper column.  It isn't due until next week.  At least I am early.
     Jackie asked me how the riding was going.  I held up four fingers.
     "You lost four pounds?  That's great," she said.
     Her smile disappeared when I said it wasn't a loss........
     I seem to be the only person who exercises more and gains weight.
     It's probably all muscle.  Right?
     But it isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.  Maybe by Switzerland I will have lost a couple of pounds.  And wouldn't it be great if the 36s were too big?
      Time for my weary head to rest.  I think I am dreaming while I'm still awake.

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