Friday, June 26, 2015

just a little weirdness out there

I sometimes think people are really nuts

     Now, I know I am nuts, but in a friendly way.  There are some people out there who are just plain goofy.
     Now they may have their reasons for their actions, and I would like to hear their explanations.
     For example.... there was a pickup truck parked along Il 38 by the Interstate.  A man was walking along with a gas can.  A car swerved over and picked him up.
     I am all for being a nice guy.....but I don't think I would pick up a hitch hiker in this day and age.  I might have offered to take his can, fill it, and bring it back while he waited at the truck....but I just am a little leery of letting total strangers who could be cold blooded psychotic killers escaped from a New York prison or mental institution into my car.
     Then I was driving north on 251 and stopped at the light at Flagg Road.  It was red.  There was a red turn arrow.  A northbound white SUV went into the left turn lane and did not even slow down and went through the red light!  What was that driver thinking?
     There was a man in Walmart going up to employees and preaching the word of God to them right there in the store, despite them trying to ignore him.  He just kept on going, at least until security showed up to escort him out. I am glad he was fervent in his faith, but not everybody trying to get through a check out lane wants to hear a religious pitch.
     And explain this to me.  A lane is shut down during construction.  A flag person is stopping traffic.  When he flips to the go slow side, that flagger points to the lane where you are supposed to drive.  Do they really think we are idiots and will drive into the front end of a bulldozer?  Or that we can't see that the road is gone?  Sometimes I just want to say, "Thank you....I am glad you realized I am too stupid to figure out where to go."
     Anyway, that was my day.
     I feel better now.

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