Tuesday, June 2, 2015

burrrrp....excuse me

I just can't control myself

     Had a big salad for supper.  Followed that with a pulled pork sandwich, courtesy my niece and her husband who hosted a graduation party Sunday and leave for Ireland Wednesday.  No leftovers, was the rule.
     Even ate a smallish lunch...skipped the cookie and the chips because I really need to lose weight.
     Then I went to weed the garden at church.
     There  I was surrounded by healthy, good for your body produce.  Kale.  Radishes.  Some fresh strawberries.
     Did I eat any of that?
     NOOOOOOOOO, oh Buddha belly.
     I had a piece of raspberry pie.  Really tasty, must have been fresh raspberries.
     And the whipped cream layer cake looked yummy, so I had to try a slice of that.
     What's this?  A gingerbread pie?  Weeeeeelllll, gotta sample that.
     A couple of cookies, some pretzels dipped in a honey mustard sauce.
     And one freshly picked strawberry.  That was very tasty.
     Thanks Luke and Chris.........now I am even larger than I was before!
     And then, I get home and what do I find?  A couple of pieces of banana cream pie on a chocolate crumb base.  I put a dollop (I love that word) of whipped cream on it and enjoyed another really tasty dessert.
     Tomorrow (Wednesday, for those of you who lose track of my multiple use of (  ) ), I am taking my car in for a 10 a.m. oil change.  I will take my bike with and ride up to Rock Cut State Park.  It's only about 6 miles round trip, but every little bit helps.
     If I could only use that approach with food.

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