Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No knock downs for me

I was almost in a fight with a total stranger

     I was in high school and on a date.  With a girl.
     Now, please understand I did not have a car.  I took my dates on the bus, which probably explains why I only had one or two dates with most girls.  By the way, relying on a bus is a problem.  One date got so cold waiting with me for a bus, she called her mom for a ride.  She did not offer me a ride, so I still had to wait for the bus.  On our second date, we had a fine time until after I said goodnight.  that's when I found out the Milwaukee Avenue bus did not run after 11 p.m.  That was one long, lonely walk home.
     Anyway, I had my date with me and we were crossing the street when I bumped into the person next to me.  I apologized, but someone had been drinking and wanted to part of my apology.
     They wanted to fight, and squared around while stepping in front of me.
     She was a woman.  Very drunk.  Very pregnant.  Very mad.
     She accused me of all sorts of things like disrespect, carelessness, not caring....she went on and on.
     I explained I was so madly in love with the girl I was with, I did not see her and really did not mean to bump her.
     Then it got weird.
     She settled down, became friendly, and invited herself along on our date...with me paying!  It was like we were old friends who just met by accident.
    When the bus finally came, date and I climbed on board.  Drunken pregnant lady seemed oblivious, so we left her at the bus stop.
     I never minded taking the bus and figured if a girl liked me, she would not mind either.
     Problem was, I could never find one who liked me enough to go on a third date.
     When I turned 15, my dad sold the family car.  He figured we never went anyplace anyway, so why have one?  I think he did it because he knew when I turned 16 I would want to borrow the car, so it became easier to do without one rather than letting me drive.
     I was 21 before I finally got my license....and it was Jackie who took me for the test.

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