Wednesday, June 24, 2015

what did you say?

I think I am deaf in my right ear

     Blame it on rock and roll.  Blame it on the Rolling Stones.
     I went to see the Stones in concert tonight (Tuesday) in Milwaukee.  They were the kick off concert for Summerfest and Emily and Julia got me a ticket for the show.  Emily and John went with, luckily, because I would have never found the venue.  There is road construction, so you can't take the highway like you normally can.
     Buddy Guy was the opening  act.  He did not come on until 8:15 or so.  The Stones did not come on until 9:30.....kind of late considering they are all in their 70s!
     And the audience had a lot of gray hairs in it also!  I actually smelled more Ben Gay than marijuana!
     It was a good show.  Lots of oldies, some newer offerings, lots of singing along with Mick.
     Speaking of Jagger, I am amazed at how well he still moves on stage.  First off, he is as skinny as a rail.  And his body goes in all directions.....he is perpetual motion while performing.  Maybe it's all the dancing that keeps him thin....I don't know.  I just wish I could move an eighth of the amount he can, and he is five years older than me!  That puts him at 72  this July.  Freakin' amazing.
     But I did not reckon (I love  that word!) on the show being so loud.  I currently hear a Hoover vac attached to a Sherman tank in my right ear....and nothing else.  Just that sucking sound.  I can't hear my fingers type.  I don't know if Jackie has talked to me or not.
     It is 2:30, and she should be asleep.....and so should I.
     I did take some pictures, but it is too late to download and maybe tomorrow night.
     In the mean time, I am going to get some satisfaction from the bed....get it?  Satisfaction, hey hey hey!!

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