Saturday, June 20, 2015

the sun will come up tomorrow

I have a new work list

     I have a new jobs list for around the house this week.
     I started making a Sunday to Saturday list, with days I am busy included.  Then I write down all the things I want to accomplish and on what days I plan on doing that job.
     My list for last week included 9 projects and I got....let me count....1 done.  That's one.  Out of nine.
     I blame the weather for a couple of was hard to move dirt with 5 inches of rain.  But that's the only one.
     This week I have even less time to get things I will keep the same list, just use different days.
      I get so overwhelmed, I don't know where to start.  So i don't start.
      Maybe I would be better without any list....but I need a plan, a road map.  Direction.
     I also need dry weather.
     Drat.....I have three more jobs for the I am up to 12.
     Mowing.  Trimming.  Fertilizing plants......and house cleaning go  on the list.  Funny, housecleaning was the only one I did last week, so I just leave it on my list.  The two of us are not really dirty, but we are set in our ways.
     Oh well....a man's work is never done.  And never started either.

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