Thursday, June 25, 2015

take me out to the ball game.....

Saw my third Cub game today

     Also my third loss....but that will change.
     I took Jackie to the game.  We got handicapped accessible seats in the upper deck.  The seats are actually pretty good....great view of the park, near a handicapped accessible bathroom, close to food.
     When I ordered the tickets, I asked about the elevator to the upper level.  Yes, there is one....but it is not in service due to the construction at the park.
     The alternative?  Fit young men who push the wheelchairs up the ramps to the top.  I can barely walk up without getting winded.  These kids flew up the ramp.  Pretty amazing.
     Someone came to take her down.  We sat her in the walker and the youngin' backed her down all the ramps to the first level.  Well, actually, I think some of the ramps have been redone because we had to do a reverse course when it turned out that particular route had stairs. There was a line of wheelchairs going back up the ramps, much to the confusion of the thousands of people going down.
     Yes, I tipped the lads.....even though you are not required or supposed to.  Truthfully, I could not have done that.
     John and Cameron also went.  We parked in a lot near the park to make it as easy as possible for wifey to get in.
    I always buy a water at the 7-11 for $1.50 because that same water is $4.50 in the park.  So I stopped to ask one of the independent sellers if he had water.
    "No, I am not supposed to be selling that.  They don't want me to sell water," he said, with a cart full of ice and flavored energy drinks.
     I told him too bad and started to leave.
   "But man, you want some,"  he paused, looked around, his eyes darting everywhere.  "I can hook you up.  Two bucks a bottle."
     I said no thanks and left.  Then I got to thinking about walking a block down to the 7-11 and figured why not support the free independent spirit of entrepreneurial man?
     I went back to the guy.
     I looked around.  I said in a low voice, "So, you think you could hook me up with two waters?  I got money."
     His eyes darted left right...furtively, I might add.  "Yeah, I can get that for you."  He grabbed a plastic bag, dug down deep in the ice, and shoved two bottles into the bag.  His eyes never looked at the bottles or the bag.
     "Here's the money,"  I said.
      "Here's your stuff.  Thanks man," he said.
     I stepped back, then asked, "Could you hook me up with some peanuts too?"
     "Small, medium or large?"  he asked.  I got the small bag.  It was $5.
       I felt like I was in a drug deal gone healthy!  I bought water and a nickle bag of peanuts.....salted in the shell even. Ok, not real healthy.
     But it was just a little surreal.  I expected DEA officers to swoop down on us at any second.
I will buy from the guy again..... but for now, I'm good.

Here are some pictures from the day.
This is where the clubhouse will be...with a plaza on top

Great view of the field

Stanbding room only today!

Always a fun time

Just a bridge I like.....

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