Saturday, June 13, 2015

the lion is not roaring tonight!

I am still working on my movie list

     When the Oscar nominated films are released, I make a vow to watch a many of the movies as I can.
     Then I don't watch them.  I never see that MGM lion roar.  Never.
     I don't understand why...I have plenty of time.
     I think I have a three year list of movies to watch.  I plan to go see the new Jurassic Park......but we know where that will end.  That will go on my list when it comes out on DVD, and I still won't watch it.
     I have had Saving Private Ryan for five months....not watched.  Kevin gave me three baseball movies.   Last season.   Not watched.  John gave me Hard Days Night, digitally remastered in Blu Ray.  I love the Beatles.  Not watched.  However, one benefit of my procrastinating is since it was at my house, it was not destroyed in the tornado.
     Now it is baseball season and I watch a lot of Cubs games.  Sometimes I listen to them on the radio because the broadcasts are not on the stupid Rockford channel that is supposed to carry them.  I miss Chicago stations.
     And it all makes me wonder what I do with my life.  Other people work and still see movies!  I don't work and don't see them.
     So I am going to make a  new list of 10 movies I want to watch and will watch them before we go visit Julia.  That gives me one month.
     Can I do it?  Time will tell.  Or not.
     I also have some sorting to do in the garage.  And in the basement.  Need to have a garage sale to get rid of stuff and prepare for the big Kane County weekend......but that is another story.
     Then I'll get started on all the books I have yet to read....and finish my book....and sort pictures...
     Maybe I'll just go to bed for now.

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