Friday, January 31, 2020

500 miles, 500 miles

I exercised today

     Actually, I walked for a mile and a half.  I have been doing that periodically.
It's costing me about $4.50 per walk, the way I figure it.
     When Jackie went for a bone scan Oct. 30, I paid for three months at the hospital fitness center.  As a senior, that is $45.  For three months.  November, December, January.
     When Julia left Jan. 14 I had not yet used the center.  Since then I have gone 10 times, so it's $4.50 a turn.
     I  tried to sweet talk them into letting me go another month, but that did not go over very well.  I think I have lost my ability to sweet talk.
     I take my e-reader and my phone.  Except today, I got in there and no phone.  I was surprised because I thought I had it.
     So I went back to the car and looked.  Could not find it.
     Went back into the center and got my stuff because I really need to have the phone in case Jackie has a problem and needs me to come home.
     Went back to my car and ..... yep, there was my phone.  Back into the center for the third time, which proved to be the charm.
     I could go the the fitness center in town because that is free for me under the Silver Sneakers program.  But that place seems to be dark, crowded, noisy and sometimes it just does not smell very good.
     However, next week may see me return to the free place because I obviously don't take exercise seriously enough to spend money on it. 
     I'll just take some nose clips and leave my hearing aids at home.
Peace and Love

Thursday, January 30, 2020

almost done

The puzzle is almost complete

     Floors done, shoe down, furniture moved back into place.....
     Now all I have to do is move clothes from downstairs and odds and ends from all over the house into the bedroom and it will be back to normal.  Sort of      Jackie wants the curtains washed, so that will be tomorrow also.
     Then I can start reloading the pantry and getting the dining room back into normal shape.
     House projects are tough to do when living in the house.
     I still have to figure out how to clean the den and keep it clean.  Way too many papers laying around, and old magazines.  I do plan to cut out animal pictures for the zoo, but I think I have over a year supply of magazines I have not yet touched.
     I also have some little projects to do...and I should be doing them instead of playing spider solitaire.
     I just sometimes need the mindless diversion the game offers.....decompression time, if you will.
     I could decompress with a bottle of red too.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

falling backward

Today seems to be a retro day

     I have spent the last hour searching You Tube.  I have watched John Denver and Mama Cass sing Leaving on a Jet Plane, Jefferson Airplane with Grace Slick doing White Rabbit, Janis doing Me and Bobby McGee and Piece of My Heart.  The Mama and Papas singing Creque Alley.  Georg Harrison performing While My Guitar Gently Weeps with help from Eric Clapton.
     I guess I miss those days tonight. 
     I visited a friend who is in hospice care.  I don't know if they knew I was there or not, but I like to think they did.
     This person has been ill for more than a year and I have never gone to visit.  Driven past their house.  Rode my bike past their house.  But never stopped.
     I am embarrassed.
     Granted, they are not a close personal friend, but someone I worked with for 11 years after coming to Rochelle.  We always enjoyed talking baseball and especially the Cubs. 
     So I went to visit today.  I told them who I was.  And I apologized for not coming sooner.  I talked about the Cubs and the fact we got to see a World Series win in our lifetime.  I talked about how we used to work together and I thanked them for  all the times I got some  space for a late story, or extra help in laying out a page.
     I wished them a peaceful journey and thanked them for their friendship.
     Then I ran out of things to say, so I left.
     Sometimes I hope to find some comfort in the music....the memories....the words.  It all brings me back to a time when the future seemed endless.
     I would trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday......freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose......with every mistake, we must surely be learning...when I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom.......
     I did not find any words of wisdom tonight.  Just memories.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

wrong way, Corrigan

Life sometimes confuses me

     We have two cars:  A fancy schmancy German car and a pretty basic Japanese car. 
     Both were purchased from Rockford dealers; the German dealer on the south side of town and the Japanese dealer on the far north.
     You have to understand that to see the irony of my situation.
      I had a 2:30 appointment for a recall repair on  the German car..  I left in plenty of time, and was on the south side of Rockford at 2:15.  I figured I would avoid traffic, so I took the tollway up to Riverside, which is on the far north side of Rockford.  I was getting ready to turn into the dealership when I realized I was at the wrong place!  I went to the Japanese place, not the German place!
     That's why I was late for my appointment...but only by 2 minutes.
     Then when I left, I got in the left turn lane then realized, I needed to go right!
     I must have been channeling Corrigan, who flew from California to New York in the 30s, then turned around to go back but ended up in Ireland.  Go figure.
     I eventually got where I wanted to go....and at my age, that is always a concern.
Love and Peace

Monday, January 27, 2020

buyer be aware

I sometimes get confused on sizes

     I wanted some new flannel pajamas, so I bought some.  Bright red plaid....very bright.
     But I may have gotten the wrong size.
     What do you think?

     Jackie said this should serve as motivation to lose weight.....but I don't know if it will make a difference.  I look my my father.  I should have gotten a large instead of an extra large.  They almost reach my arm pits.

     I may look like I am in a tropical paradise....but I am enjoying a cup of coffee in the greenhouse at Cypress House.  It's nice to sit and soak up the sun.....wait a minute, I haven't seen the sun in 5 days!  Well, it's nice to soak up the gray with greenery around.
Peace and Love

Sunday, January 26, 2020

nutty, I am

I am mentally unstable

     Every time I hear about some one's illness, I have it too.  Right now I am battling three types of cancer, a heart issue, and the latest virus from China. 
     I truly scare the life out of me with my irrational fears.
     It's not just health issues.
     My life is in peril from hundreds of sources, from drunk drivers to an engine falling off a jet and crushing me when I mow the back yard.  Bears?  You betcha.  Gators?  My biggest fear, after bears, wolves, coyotes and mad turkeys.
     This is not a new thing.  But it seems to be getting worse as I get older.
     I know I need a new hip and three knee replacements.  At least I know that every time I get a twinge of pain somewhere.
     I try to take the "whatever happens, happens" philosophy.....but that does not work for me. 
     Is that chest pain The Big One or the day old taco I ate cold.  I'll tell you what I think....
     FDR said, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."  I think he was speaking to me and telling me not to be afraid.
     It does not work.
     It's almost time for the UPS flights to pass over the house on their way to Rockford.  I just hope they don't drop an engine while I try to sleep.
Peace and Love

Saturday, January 25, 2020

holy cow

I am tired, again

     That seems to be my every day mantra.  I am tired.  Maybe I should have it printed on a t-shirt.
     I started cleaning today.  We do have someone who does that, but it did not make sense to clean in the middle of a construction project.  So I am doing the undirty work.
     It's amazing how much dust is in the house.  I used a mop to wipe down the walls in the bedroom, closet and bathroom where the flooring project was.  I got a lot of dust off the walls.  So I did them again.  I may do them a third time tomorrow.
     Then I used furniture polish to clean the closet shelves and the bathroom vanity cabinets, inside and out.
     Did a couple of loads of laundry.
     Cleaned the master bathroom and washed the floor when done.
     At the end of this, as we are getting ready to go out, I walk across the living room floor and my foot gets wet.
     "What the hell?"  I yelled.
     Corki had drunk a lot of water.  When she does that, she often urps it up.  This spot was also little orange.
     "I stepped in water because Corki threw up,"  I said.
     Someone living in the house then replied, "I know.  I stepped in it too."
     "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
     Then came the reply of the day:  "You told me not to bother you."    I did say that because I wanted to finish cleaning the bathroom.
     Showing me something on Facebook is bothering me.  Telling me there is a napkin on the floor is bothering me.  Something like the dog threw up water so watch where you step is not bothering me, it's telling me important information I need to react to.
     And the orange?  Someone in the house had Cheetos for lunch. 
     Time for bed.
Peace and Love

Friday, January 24, 2020

at sea

I was a bit confused today

     We have X number of Christmas boxes stored on a shelving unit in the basement.  I lug them up full after Thanksgiving, lug them down empty after the decorations are up, lug them up empty to put stuff away, lug them down full.....  I think I made it clear.
     How come I can't get the boxes back on the rack?  I have one box that does not fit.  Just does not make sense.
     I always park next to a light pole or tree when I go to the local Wallyworld.          Today I came out of the store, walked down the lane to a car.  Looked at another tree.  No car.  Finally I saw it and headed toward it only to find it was not my car.  I tried hitting the fob, but nothing beeped.  I was two lanes over from where I parked!  No where near a tree.  Or light pole.
     When I get dressed in the morning I have to go into the dining room to get underwear and socks.
     I help Jackie get dressed.  I bring her pants, a shirt, and all the stuff she needs to be fully dressed.
     At about 3 today she said, "These pants just don't feel right.  Where did you get them?"  I told her I pulled them out of the dryer that morning.  Then I looked.
     She was wearing my pants.
     For 7 hours.
     Old people!
     Tonight I mixed a hot chocolate with some Baileys and stepped outside.  The snow muffles all noises.  It was neat to hear the distant dogs barking and the far off wail of a train.
     So peaceful.  So beautiful in the dark.
Peace and Love

Thursday, January 23, 2020

whoa Nelly!

Finish was applied to our floor  today

     I was knocked for a loop.  Literally.
     I was standing at the kitchen sink, Chad the floor guy said it will smell a little while so he had cracked some windows in the bedroom and turned on the fan. 
     The fumes hit me in the face like a tidal wave.  The room grew white,  my knees got wobbly and I honestly felt I was going down.
     I said to Jack, "I need help...." which was kind of silly because she can barely walk, let alone catch me.
     I staggered to the front door and went outside, breathing in some cold, clean air.  After a couple of minutes I felt better.
     Then the headache came.
     Now, maybe it is not the fumes.  Maybe it is the stress, or the confusion, or the fact I turned my head too fast.....but I felt like crap.
     I sat in my recliner in the den, opened the windows, climbed under an electric blanket and hibernated for a couple of hours.
     I made Jackie's lunch, then I had lunch.  Cheese on pumpernickel with a beef stick.  Can of cherry Pepsi.  Some chips.  Then I went crazy.  Cheetos. Chips and dip.  Chocolate.  Three kinds of cookies.  An orange.  Another orange.  Peppermint Kisses.
     I was like a run away engine on a downward slope.
     There is a groove from the den to the kitchen, worn by me as I ate everything I could find.
     When supper time came, I was not hungry.  My stomach was/is a little upset.  I still have a headache.
     But the floor has two coats of finish, with one more to come tomorrow.  Then it is let it cure for two days before moving furniture back in on Monday.
     I just hope we have enough food until then.
Peace and Love and pass the chips

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Methinks the hard part is over

     The hammering and sawing are in the books on our new floor.
     Now the smelly part of the process begins.
     Today they finished the install and stained it.  The crew also made a repair in our pantry.  It seems somebody forgot they had a bag of potatoes in the pantry.      Only when the smell proved overpowering did I look and find a moldy mess of spuds.  The end result was the floor was discolored in one area. long as the floors were being done, I had that repaired, which consisted of cutting out some boards and replacing then, then staining them.
     These guys are pretty efficient and the work is very nicely done.
     One benefit is I am getting up at 7 every day.  So is Jackie.
     One drawback is, I am getting up at 7 every day.  I hope to be able to use that to my advantage in the future.
     Just hunkering down for the snow to start...either 2 inches or 6 inches.  Hard to tell.
     I just hope the floor gets done before the weekend...and the snow.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Oh my!!!

I had a treasure hunt today

     It all started with a plea from Julia to find her college diploma and send it to her.
     Well, if you have ever seen my basement, that is a challenge.
     I went down and started with her boxes.....lots of Disney stuff; cels, pictures, animals.  An autographed picture of Troy Aikman AND the authenticity document.  They were not in the same box, but they are now.
     Birthday cards for Emily's first birthday.  I want her to have them so she can read messages from the Old Ones no longer with us.  And I mean dead.  My high school grade book, which showed that I was definitely a below average, under performing student for much of my life.
     Then I found the treasures.  Kachina dolls I forgot I had.  These were purchased when Jackie and I went to the Grand Canyon.  I was still teaching, and our social studies book mentioned kachina dolls and  their importance to the Native Americans out west.  So I bought two for my students to look at.  When we moved in 2012 I packed them up and forgot about them.  I also found some beer steins Julia got me when she first went to Europe.  These were always on the upright piano we had on Skare Court.  A carved tusk from a sea lion from the 1880s or so.  Very neat.
     After going through several boxes, rearranging shelves, tossing out some unwanted stuff (not much, actually.) I had just about given up.
     Then I looked in the basket on the spare bookshelf and noticed the diploma sitting there.  In full view.  If I had looked their first, I would not have spent 990 minutes going through boxes.
     And I would have not taken out my treasures.
     Isn't that the definition of serendipity?
     Last night when it was time for bed, Corki went to the master bedroom and stood in front of the door.  She looked at me, looked at the door, then her little paw raised and she tapped the door three times, like she was knocking.
     She barely ate today and her stomach is really loud.  But the project is almost done.  Hopefully.
Peace and Love

Wood pile is gone

Because it is on the floor

Julia, remember these?  Were there 3 or 4?

Kachina dolls....hand made

Monday, January 20, 2020

close to insanity

I may be losing my mind

     I handle chaos and disorganization better than most people.  But I am reaching my limit.
     Jackie and I have moved into the blue bedroom, the one Julia sleeps in when  back home where she belongs and is loved and wanted and missed.  Ooops.  Wrong topic.
     (By the way, the vent was closed in the room.  Plenty of heat.)
     The plan was to go to bed early and get up early.  That way we could shower before the crew came to install the wood floor.
     Corki did not get the message.
     She was pacing a lot last night.  The fact we moved bedrooms seemed to really affect her.
     So at 2:44 this morning, I was awakened by the sound of a dog barking somewhere in the dark house.
     Dodging the wood, dresser, transport chair, end table and all the other pointed edged items, I found Corki laying on top of the stripped bed in our bedroom.  Just barking.
     I layed down next to her for a few minutes and petted her, but I was cold and tired.
     So I put her down and we went back to the sleeping room.  Except, she had to go out.
     Once she came in, she went to this week's bedroom.  I used the up and awake time to employ the bathroom facilities then went to bed.  In the dark.
     There was a huge lump in the bed.
     It was much bigger than Jackie's butt, but it was under the covers.  I reached down and ..... there was Croki, all snuggled in under the blankets.
     Then she crawled down to the end of the bed and stood up, sheets and  blanket covering her like a ghost.  She then umped off the bed, taking some of the covers with.
     Corki is nuttier than me.
     Anyway, project underway and I am staying out of the way.
     I forgot to take a before picture and they guys were not keen on reinstalling the carpeting so I could do you have to use your imagination.

The pile  this morning

Our dining room/dressing room/bedroom

Imagine that being carpet

At the end of the day

Wood pile is a lot smaller

Sunday, January 19, 2020

tired tonight

I feel like a bicycle tonight

     Two  tired.
     Moving all the crap from our bedroom was a bigger task than I thought. Too many clothes, too many things I've saved.  To much.
     Most of it will go back into the closet...but I think Jackie and I need to be very selective on what we decide to keep.  For example.... I don't think I will ever get back into a size 36 inch waist.  Or wear a large shirt that does not stretch across my belly like a balloon ready to burst.
     Now, to bed and perchance to sleep.
Peace and Love

Saturday, January 18, 2020

home improvements

What the hell happened?

     It's cold outside.  It was chilly in the house.  I put the fireplace on.  We have a gas one, so I don't have to find wood, split wood, stack wood, carry wood, clean up the ashes....all the fun things about a wood burner.
     I went in the kitchen to do dishes.  Jackie and Corki were watching tv.
     Sudenly there was a huge crash!  Corki took off flying and ran into our Santa/snowman board, sending it crashing to the ground.
     Jackie screamed.
     I ran and she pointed at the fireplace.
     The glass doors had shattered into a million pieces!  The whole interior of the fireplace is filled with glass.
     I turned off the flames and Corki was running like crazy until we called her and got her on the couch and soothed her.  She was shaking like a leaf.
     I am flummoxed as to what happened.
      This was after I spent a large part of the day prepping for our Monday project.
     Cleaning out a closet is not easy but I did throw out several old pairs of jeans that I was saving to wear while working outside.  I had 6 pairs.  Now I have 2.  If I run out of work jeans I'll just have to stop working in the yard.  I also got rid of 9 t shirts saved for the same reason.
     (On second thought, maybe I should get the ripped jeans out of the trash and offer them on line as distressed and ask $50 a pair.)
     And yesterday I threw out 5 birthday hats from my 70th birthday in 2018.
     Little steps.  Little steps.

Peace and Love

Look at all that glass!  
Can you guess what Monday's project is?

Friday, January 17, 2020

baby, it's cold outside

I think winter may be here

     Finally.  Windy, snowy, rainy, cold, could get icy.....a fun night to stay inside.
     I did go out to shovel the porch.  A certain lady in the house (Not Jackie, in case anyone had smart ass remarks) seems to do her business on the snow on the porch, and then walk out into the yard.
      So I am shoveling the porch when she goes out to discourage that behavior.
     It's storms like this that make me want to put on my heavy coat and just go outside and listen to the wind and the precip hitting the ground.  But I have not done that tonight.  Call me lazy, but I am settled in.
     I plan to turn on the fireplace and read for a while.  Maybe have a cookie.  Or two.
     Jackie has already gone to bed and is fast asleep.  Corki is curled up in her bed.  I am tired, but not tired, if that makes sense.
     There are a lot of accidents on 39 and 38 between Creston and Rochelle.  If you don't have to travel, stay home.
     I say that knowing SIL John is in Wisconsin preparing for a 64 mile endurance race called the Frozen Otter.  Friend Carrie is also attempting to finish, she came close last year.
     I'll be thinking of them while I sit in my warm chair reading a book.  And munching a cookie.  Or two.
 Peace and Love

Thursday, January 16, 2020


I am bothered by the baseball cheating scandal

     I love watching baseball, but the thought that some players and teams have been cheating makes my blood boil.
     The latest rumor is a player wore an electric buzzer under his shirt and was buzzed for upcoming pitches.  If this proves to be true, the guy should be stripped of his MVP honors and banned from baseball. 
     Cheaters and liars in public office should not be tolerated.  Get rid of them.
It seems to be epidemic from the state level on up. 
     These cheaters should all be ashamed.
     End of rant and sermon.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

not again

I see we are supposed to have another winter storm situation

     Was it The Who who sang:  "Won't Get Fooled Again?"
     Last weekend's storm was a dud.  Sure we got some snow, but nowhere near what was predicted.
     One site that gives forecasts said "Our weekend forecast sucked."  They then explained the patterns changed so quickly it was difficult to keep up with the weather.
     I am  not saying we should have a blizzard like 79 or 67, but come on!  This is January in Illinois!  We should be sledding, snowshoeing, skiing, shoveling, skidding into ditches........not walking around in shorts and t shirts like a college kid.
     By the way, I saw a guy in shorts and a t shirt today.  It was not an attractive look on the gent.
     On aanother side note, Julia is back in Switzerland and said it was 60 and sunny there.  In January.
     It's almost like something is happening to our climate.  If only scientists could study that issue and make some recommendations.
     As for me, I'm going to fill up a few more water jugs and make sure I have gas for the grill and snow blower.  Just in case.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

good bye fare wellllllll

No, I am not singing "The Sound of Music"

     Well, actually, now I am.
     The house is quiet tonight...Julia is on a big plane headed for Switzerland. 
     I did not cry at the airport, although I did tear up.
     I'm an emotional guy, what can I saw.
     One time we dropped off Emily at Drake her freshman year and I had to pull over on 80 because I was crying so hard I could not drive.
     Yet when my dad died, I don't think I shed any tears.  Funny, huh.
     I noticed something tonight, and maybe it is just me.  Between11:15 and 11:45 at least three jets passed over our house.  One was low, the other two were medium.
     I know UPS has a hub in Rockford, but I figured the Christmas rush was over.  The first one was really low and it was really loud.
     Some last day pictures.

     Sweet dreams everyone.
Peace and Love

Monday, January 13, 2020

oh dear

It's going to be a busy week

     Julia leaves tomorrow, which means I will be weepy for a few days.  Always am, always will be.
     But I do have some work to do.
     We are undergoing a major redecorating project.  The carpet in the bedroom will be removed and hardwood will be installed.  Jackie has a hard time on the carpet.  When she drags her foot, there is a lot of friction so it's slow going.  The hardwood will allow her to move faster.
     The downside is.....everything has to come out of the room.
     Dresser, bed, nightstand....everything.
     And the closet has to be emptied.  All the clothes and stuff need to come out because they sand, stain, seal, sand, seal and we don't want the dust to cover all our clothes.
     Also coming up son in law John does the Frozen Otter run in Kettle Moraine State Forest in Wisconsin this weekend.  This is a 64 mile race.  In the cold.  In winter.  Friend Carrie also is competing.
     Personally, I don't like going out to the mailbox in the cold, let alone run in it.
I wish them both good luck.  Keep safe!
     Great dinner at Alfano's and friends, enjoying some good food and great conversation. 
     Life is good.
Peace and Love

Sunday, January 12, 2020

winding down

This was a pretty quiet day around the homestead

     We did not get anywhere near the snow forcasted, but there was enough for me to blow my driveway.  Actually, I could have shoveled it if I were a younger guy, but I am now being prudent.
     I don't know what to do with all the water I have saved......guess there is enough for the plants for the next 8 months.  I hate to toss it, because water is a precious resource.
     I could drink it, but I am not sure how clean the containers I don't want to risk that.
     I spent the day watching football.  Seriously.  Did a little organizing in the basement, but football was the game of the day.
     It was nice having Julia watching with me.  Yes, I am getting misty eyed already because she leaves Tuesday.  And today is almost Monday.
     No matter how many times this happens, I just feel lost.
Peace and Love

Saturday, January 11, 2020


I was totally prepared for snowmagedon

     We live in the country.  If our power goes, we can not flush toilets because we will have no water. 
     So, with a prediction of freezing rain, high winds, 6 inches of snow, I prepared.  I filled containers with about 10 gallons of water.  We could use those to flush.
     I told Jackie to designate one bathroom for liquid functions and another for, well, you know. 
     As my Uncle Jim used to say about the bathrooms in his cottages in Michigan:  If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down.
     Since we have low flow toilets, I figured we had enough water for at least a day.
     Food and tea we could prepare on the gas grill in the garage.
     Flashlights were good to go.  Phones and other electronic devices were all charged up.
     And then the snow started.  And stopped.
     The rain froze, but the power did not even flicker.
     I am not complaining, believe me!  I am very thankful that we did not lose power, and our neighbors did not lose power.
     Corki is a pill when it comes to snow.
     There was snow on the porch and sidewalk, so when she went out she peed on the porch THEN she walked out in the grass to sniff around.  Thus, (I love using that word!) I had to make sure the porch and walk were shoveled whenever she went out.
     Like I said....not a lot of snow, but some drifting on the porch.
     It's all clear now, not a snow pile or frozen dog pee in sight.
     Hoping it stays that way.
     For those of you not so lucky, be safe out there.
Peace and Love

Friday, January 10, 2020

tired and waiting

This has been another great day

     I hate to brag, but this was another amazing day.
     We had friends over for fondue and raclette and the food and friendship was amazing.
     Julia prepared the fondue with cheese from Switzerland.  We do a basic bread and cheese fondue, nothing fancy.  You have to drink either hot tea or wine because cold water solidifies he cheese in your stomach.
     We also did raclette.....cheese melted over tomatoes and then swirled over potatoes.  You can add cornishons, which are little pickles, and meats if you like.       You do have to cook your own meat on the raclette maker, which takes some time.  But while it's cooking you visit, and talk, and visit, and's a very social meal.
     Now I am waiting for the snow storm of the decade.  Well, it is, since the decade started 10 days ago. 
     Hope you are all safe and stay warm over the weekend.
     Be careful out there.
Peace and Love

Thursday, January 9, 2020

road trip

We took a little drive today

     We went to Harry Carey's in Lombard for lunch.
     Although it  really confuses me.  The restaurant is in the Yorktown Shopping Center, but it has a Lombard address.  I keep thinking Lombard is farther south, but I must be wrong...again.
     Anyway, we met John and Kathy for lunch and had a great time.  Emily, Julia, Jackie, me and the Chicago folks sat around for 2 hours and just chatted. The food was pretty good....I had fish and chips, getting ready for going somewhere where fish and chips is a regular offering.
     The restaurant was not busy considering it was lunch time.  I think there were just a couple of other tables.
     Jackie sometimes needs help navigating the handicapped bathroom stalls.  So I often help her.  There was no on in the bathroom, but we got into the stall and some women came in.
    I yelled, "Just so you know, I am in the last stall with my wife."  They said no problem and did their business.
     Now I wondered what they thought we were doing in the last stall.
     But worse, I was afraid to leave!  Let's just say after 50 years, privacy is not longer a concern.
     And tonight, a friend of Julia's came over and we sat in on their conversation and I enjoyed a couple of glasses of vino.
     Good friends, good food, good times, good day, good night.
Peace and Love, not war

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

family night

I had a nice time tonight

      Emily and John came over and I grilled steaks outside.....I don't know if I have ever done that in January before.  Yes, it was cold, but it smelled and tasted great.
      We had steaks, carrots, sweet potatoes and some wine...a rather nice red from Italy.
     It just felt really good having my family there, sharing a meal and just visiting.
     The older I get, the more I appreciate these times.  An d I know Julia has to leave Tuesday and yes, I am getting weepy already.  Just makes these times a little more special.
     Hug your family.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

doctor, doctor gimme the news

This was doctor day for the Dickows

     Well, actually for Jackie.  We went to see her MS specialist.  It was a pretty normal visit.  He said the disease is progressive, and hers is slowly progressing.     He also said exercises would help.
     That's the problem. 
     We do exercises for a week, and then stop.  Part of the reason is timing.  We can never find a time on which  both of us agree.  At night she is too tired, in the morning I am too tired.  In the afternoon one of us is too occupied. 
     We plan to ask our caregiver to come a couple of times a week and do the exercises.  She will not take no for an excuse.
     We also had blood tests this morning.
     I love to eat.  We have to fast for the tests.....12 hours without food.
    So I stopped eating anything at about 8 p.m.   That means at 8 a.m. I should be ready for the test.  Because it takes so long for her to get going, we did our tests at almost 11.
     I was starving. 
     At least I did not faint when they drew the blood.  I did not even get dizzy.  No matter how many times I have had blood drawn, I still hate it.
     I guess that's the price of a poor lifestyle.
Peace and Love, but especially Peace

Monday, January 6, 2020

How much?

We live in different worlds

     A group of youngsters did a smash and grab at a Louis Vitton store on Michigan Avenue tonight.
     One of the items they grabbed was a $50,000 purse.  A purse.  $50,000.
     Now, what they did was wrong.  They will be caught, because there are too many cameras watching us these days.
     What do you do with a $50,000 purse?  Give it to your mother?  Or girl?  Keep it for yourself?
     I can't imagine owning a purse that costs more than a car or two, a teacher's first year of teaching salary, or a small house.
     I know, I am jealous of opportunity and success knocking on someone else's door.  I am jealous of people with million dollar salaries and 10 million dollar homes.
     I think that's why I like a progressive tax, where the people who own $50,000 purses pay more in taxes proportionally than the people working in the store making minimum wage pay.  Not stated very well, is it? 
    And I am not advocating stealing from the rich simply because they are rich.
    I just think that sometimes our society is out of whack.  Sometimes.
    I just hope those thieves don't use the purse to carry tuna fish sandwiches to school.  That too would be a crime.
Peace and Love

Sunday, January 5, 2020


There were a lot of dones today

     Hamilton finished a three year run in Chicago.  The show grossed over 400 million!  According to the Trib, it cost about $700,000 a week to put on the show.
     It is not the longest running show in Chicago's past, Wicked actually ran three months longer, but did not gross as much.
     A side benefit was all  the tax revenue generated for the city by people staying in hotels, eating in restaurants, parking their cars and attending the show as well as the money local businesses earned by people going to the show and then shopping.
     Also done today, Drew and the Saints.  That team and that QB has all the wrong breaks in the playoffs.  Two of the Greatest of All Time will be watching the playoffs from their homes.
     Also done, taking down the tree and packing up Christmas.  I have one more box to fill and then it's on to the next holiday.
     Done also is Christmas.....Epiphany is the 12th day and I do believe that means the holiday and season are over.
     I am also done...tired, sore, and happy to note that pitchers and catchers report in about 5 weeks.
     We still have not had winter.  So I know we are not done with that.

Peace and Love

Saturday, January 4, 2020


Our Dickens' Village was hit by a tornado today

     All the houses were blown into boxes and then into a plastic tub. 
     Well, it seemed like a tornado.  The village comes down faster than it goes up.  Thank heavens.
     I will miss the little set up.  It takes hours to put it in the right location, but not so much to take it down.
     I do seem to be missing one box for light cords.  I have the sleeve, not the box.  I probably put it somewhere where I could easily find it.
     And a weird bit.....I know about 4 people who are afflicted with vertigo.  I always get suspicious, is it really vertigo or is there some kind of bug going around that mimics vertigo.
     Granted, we are all older, not ancient, but in the Boomer group.  Just seems strange.
     Personally, my right ear is "popping" tonight.  Feels like air pressure hitting it.  Hope that is not a sign of something haywire in my noggin.
     Oh well, gotta roll with it.
     Great night out with friends and Mexican food.  Thanks Renee and Wendy for joining us.  I even learned the difference between a margarita and a daiquiri. (I think they are both spelled correctly.)  How come I never knew?  Or did I know, and forgot?  Hmmmm..........
Peace and Love

Friday, January 3, 2020

too much FB

I think I spend too much time on Facebook

     And things are really starting to bother me.
     One guy posts a lot of furniture and labels them occasional chairs.  Really?  So sometimes it is a chair and sometimes it isn't?  Or is he using occasional in a different way?
     Another poster had a video game set on the floor and took a picture.  His foot is prominent in the photo.  He said the set came complete, even with cod.  I wondered why cod and not salmon?  Or perch?  One poster asked him how much the foot was.  I should have answered 12 inches.
     Another poster sells bikes, 85 dollor seems to be a common price.  I am not sure how a dollor compared to a dollar, but I am guessing it is pretty close.  And this is not a one time mistake....every post is filled with errors and the term dollor.
     I am a critical person.  If you are trying to sell something, take a good picture, write an accurate description, and make it look good.  Don't take the picture of the item in a room with a dirty carpet and clothes laying all over the place...makes people wonder.
     And do the $1 items get sold?  I often wonder about that.
     I know some people are selling things because they need the cash.  I do feel sorry for them.
     I just hope they make the money they need.
     I guess I got my grumpy on tonight.
Peace and Love

Thursday, January 2, 2020

going, going

I took lights down today

     It is strangely dark on the porch tonight.  I am used to seeing the lights, but they were put away until n ext year.
     Great Household Debate on garland on the porch.  I like it, someone else does not.
     Weighing in on her side are the four strands of garland that lost their lights this year.  We only have seven strands.  I had to go out and wind lights onto the dark garland to bring it back to life.
     I also had three strands of lights go bad.  My first thought was to buy new boxes and put the dead ones in the new boxes and return them.  I did not do it, but I am sure people do because they get pissed at buying these lights and having them go bad the next year. 
     The box says long life....but I think my definition does not match theirs. 
     Of course, I could return them with the original package and receipt.  Mailing them back to China is probably not practical.  And they know that.
     Hope I can sleep....the drums of war seem to be beating louder tonight.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

No!! No!! No!!!

Now is the time of year I dread

     It's not because of the cold.  Or the 8 pounds I seem to have gained since Halloween.
     It is because Epiphany is approaching, and that is the end of Christmas.  The 12th day, with the drummers drumming, pipers piping, maids a milking and all the other folks and critters in that songall going away for  almost a year.
     Generally, Christmas is put away that day and the next in our household.  It just doesn't seem right.
     I only put up the lights five weeks ago, the tree about the same time and the Dickens Village less then that.
     Now, it all goes away.
     I was thinking the other day that we could leave it up late January or early February, but Jackie did not think that was a good idea. 
     Tomorrow the temperature will be near 50.  Then it drops.  I guess taking down the lights when it is 50 is better than taking them down when it is 17 and they are frozen.
     So......tomorrow it starts.  If you are free, come buy and help me and I will offer you some cookies and hot tea. 
     But be prepared to boost my spirits, because it really is a sad time for me. 
Peace and Love and Christmas year round