Friday, September 27, 2019

treat day

Today was a treat day

     Jackie and I got pedicures.  When you reach a certain age, cutting toenails is no longer and easy task.
     Ouch.  My one finger on my right hand has a crack near the nail.  It really hurts! It's hard to type when the finger that hits ol keys is super sore.
     After the peddy, we did some shopping for socks and then went out to dinner.       Last year the girls gave us a gift card for a fancy restaurant in DeKalb.  So we went there tonight, finishing the gift card.
     I had salmon, and it was pretty darn good.  Jackie had a steak and it was also nicely cooked.
     When it came time to pay, we used almost the entire balance of the card...but had no miney fur a tip.  Shud we just charge a tip?  After digging thru Jackie's wallet, we came up with a $20 bill, so that was the tip.  It was more than we should have left, but we didn't think it right to ask for change.
     I don't like tipping.  Or typing right now.
Peace and Love (ouch)

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