Wednesday, September 25, 2019


I had an unusual call recently

     Jackie and I were sitting eating supper when our house phone rang.
     We have caller ID, and if we don't recognize the number or the name, we do not answer it, figuring people will leave a message and we will call them.
     I looked at the phone and guess who was calling our house?
     I was.  On the house phone.
     Very clearly on caller ID it said Terry Dickow and gave our house number.
     How do they do that?
     Curious, I picked it up and learned the warranty on my car was about to expire and it will cost me a billion dollars to fix it.
     Jackie gets mad at me because sometimes I pick up the phone when it rings and I don't say anything.  There is no sound at all, the tv is off, radio off, and all the caller hears is silence.
     Sometimes they will speak, especially if it someone who knows me.  But generally there is nothing from their end either.
     I may have read that if you do that, the robocaller will put a note that your number is out of order and take you off their list.
     I don't know.
     I just know I hate it when telemarketers call.
Peace and Love

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